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// HI MamaG I have  just a quick authors not here for you. There will be violence in this RP chapter you are planing to read. Trigger warning is in place right now. I will warning if there is more warning in the other chapters to come. I would also like to say that the relationship between Anti and Natemare is very unhealthy. Natemare is extremely rough and demanding with Anti, having no problem with causing him physical pain whenever he says or does something Nate doesn't approve of (though that's not to say Anti doesn't enjoy it). He's overly possessive, and treats Anti more like his property rather then an equal person/lover. Nate gets jealous easily, and if he feels someone is getting too close to his Anti, he'll step in and make it uncomfortably clear he owns Anti. He's also very sexual with him, uncaring as to who's around. Natemare  also calls Anti his "plaything," while also referring to him as his "slutty little brat" all the time. My friend plays Natemare and I play Anti just an FYI , Also there will be names of  other RP muses in some of the RP's but no need to know about them.. Ok end of note.... For now.....

Anti has had a rough few day. Between killing people, pulling pranks, tormenting people as well as giving in to his more lusty side. The demon was wore out. Anti laid down just to stretch out, not giving a damn who saw. A few dying screams could be heard from his basement, where his last victim was bleeding out.

The young demon laid there with his eyes closed as he remembered fucking the victim in the basement before stabbing them many times. Hell they deserved, Anti let a smirk grace his lips as he unbutton black jeans. "That was great. Ripping screams from them. The blood that now stains my floor. It was magical"

Anti said to himself. But then he remembered something that made a shiver run down his spine as a dark blush spread across his cheeks. Anti had given himself willingly to Natemare. He tolled the older dream demon that he belonged to him, and here Anti was fucking other people. "Oh well. What Natemare does not know wont get me in to trouble. Maybe it was just a one night stand."

Anti ran his hand up and down his chest under his black t-shirt. He was enjoying the quite now that the screaming in his basement had stopped. "They most have finely bleed out full and died. Oh well, its just another body to get rid of later. Its not like the world is going to miss another drug dealer anyway"

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Anti by his scarred throat. He lifted the smaller demon with a snarl, his fangs showing very clearly he slammed the younger into a wall, denting it at contact.
It was Natemare, definitely, and he looked utterly furious. Anti belonged to him. Every part of him. Someone else getting a taste of what he owned royally pissed Natemare off. His grip tightened on Anti's throat, forcing the other a little above the ground.
"And what if I do know, you little fucking slut?"
The demon growled, leaning close to Anti's ear. He loosened his grip only a small bit, to let Anti breathe and try to explain himself before Natemare decided a little.. Punishment was in store. If Anti was going to be Nate's plaything, he was definitely going to be given some rules, and training. And judging by the way Nate had his hips against Anti's already, a lot of sex.

Anti's eyes opened the moment he felt the hand on his throat. At the sudden movement Anti had no way to stop what was coming. As his back hit the wall the air was knocked out of him. Reaching his hands up to wrap around Natemare's wrist. Anti struggled to get loose let alone get air into his burning lungs. He could see the rage in the elder demon's eye.

"Nate" Anti gasped, he was shocked that Natemare was even there. Had he fallen asleep again was this just another dream, or was this real. "Was... Lost...in ....the moment.... Cant.....Blame...me for ....losing....Control" Anti struggled to say. He let out a hiss at Nate's hips rubbed against his own. Was...the...dream....real..." the younger demon asked the best he could.

Natemare/Anti RPWhere stories live. Discover now