Months later....

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// I am warring you this RP has stopped and I know you all loved it as much as I have. But sometime things happen and people lose the feeling of muses of for the ship. So I am sorry for this final chapter in my RP book with my friend. But I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it with my friend. Holds out a box of tissues for the reader to take.  Your going to need these... 

Months have gone by seen's Anti had last seen or heard from Natemare

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Months have gone by seen's Anti had last seen or heard from Natemare. The last he knew he was going to go and deal with some things back in the demon realm with his brother Phantom. But through the months Anti had gone to and from the demon realm and even went to see Phantom. He had not seen hid or hair of his brother. Most nights the younger demon would sleep in Mare's bedroom in hopes that his lover would return. Through the months Anti could feel Mare through their mating bond, but yet he could not find him. It was as if Mare did not want to be found. Anti was confused by this and yet he would still send him a text here or leave a voice message on his phone. Letting him know what he was doing or that he missed him.

Anti was sitting at home getting ready to go out

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Anti was sitting at home getting ready to go out. He reached out to grab his wallet when he felt a deep pain go through him. It was as if his heart stopped beating for a moment. Anti dropped to his knees grabbing his chest and let out an ear piercing scream. He could no longer feel his lover Natemre. The bond was gone. The only way for that to happen is if he or Mare had died...

Another scream left Anti as he called out for his now dead lover. "MARE!!!!" Tears of sorrow and loss left the demon's eyes. He now just laid on his living room floor in a ball as he cried his heart out. Mare was gone and there was nothing he could do to bring him back. Once more he was alone and broken in this world.

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