Breaking in the new bed

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{Natemare }
"Decided to get a new bed layout. Still fixing it up, but.. Looks good so far."
The bastard's grinning. He has evil plans for that cage under the bed.

Anti peaked his head around the corner. Trying to look in and see what his lover was up too and his eyes went wide and a blush stained his cheeks. He thought to himself 'this looks like it will be fun'

Taking notice of Anti, Natemare grinned and pulled him closer. He pulled the younger demon into a kiss, grabbing a fist full of his hair and pulling his head back for a better angle. That, and he just loved the noises Anti made.

Seeing he was caught spying the demon went willingly in to Mare's arms. A low moan and hiss left him as he was pulled into a kiss. Anti kissed back and shivered.

Mare kept up the kiss, his free hand sliding down Anti's waist and over his hip before grabbing his ass. His fingers only tightened their grip on his hair, not allowing him to pull away.

Anti moaned louder under his lovers kiss and touch. Wrapping his arms around Natemare's neck to pull him closer. Anti need the older demon, he began to grind his crotch against Mare. Letting him feel just how much he needed him

Finally breaking the kiss, Mare let out a low, husky chuckle. He kissed heatedly down Anti's neck, hand slipping from his hair to his hips.
"You need something, baby?"

Anti let out a whine "Need you Mare, please need you to touch me more. Want you to fuck me" Anti was feeling very needy today

Hand slipping between Anti's thighs briefly, he rubbed the other. A teasing grin spread over his lips, as he pulled away and sat up on the bed.
"Why don't you bring that pretty ass over here and ride me, pet?"

A whine left Anti's lips as he felt Mare's hand between his thighs. Lust filled eyes then watched as he walked tot he bed. I think I will, Daddy, but whats with the cage? Planing to keep me locked away" The younger demon did like that idea but for now he needed Natemare. Anti did not need to be told twice. Quickly Anti stripped down and crawled up on the bed.

"If you misbehave, yes, I will."
Natemare slowly undid his pants. Teasing again. He stoked himself, his thumb running over the tip and fingers lightly over his hardness. His head fell back against the bed with a low groan, licking his lips as he looked over Anti's naked form.
"Get over here."

"So looks like I will need to misbehave more then" Anti crawled over and watched his lovers hand for a moment. The Anti got a wicked idea. Flicking his tongue out he licked the tip of his cock.

"You fucking brat. You won't just be locked up. But the rest is a bit of a surprise."
Mare watched Anti with a raised brow, before biting his lip. He grabbed the younger's hair, giving a low growl.
"Don't tease me. Or you won't get what you want. I'm perfectly fine fucking that pretty little throat instead."

Natemare/Anti RPWhere stories live. Discover now