Pissing off magic uses, could be a good thing

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Anti was hiding from everyone. Not only did he piss off a damn magic user he was turned into a damn neko. Cat ear, tail, claws, yeah the whole bit. He was down in his basement hiding away. Not only was he turned into a damn neko he was in like a heat, damn him being an omega.

The smell of a familiar demon filled the room. A figure was suddenly over Anti, holding his wrists above his head with a single hand, the other trailing down to the younger demon's hip.
"Are you wearing cat ears, Anti?"

Anti took in the sent and went to hide more but it was too late. He had been found. With in a blink of an eye his his hands were pinned down.
"No, they are real until I can get Marvin to fix this."

"They're cute."

The demon muttered, his hand wrapping around Anti's tail. His fingers ran down it, petting him from the base to the tip slowly.

Anti blushed and made a more cat like purr then his normal purr. He was enjoying the petting from his lover as he felt slick slide out of him. Poor Anti was in heat thanks to smelling another Alpha in heat "Nate" Anti purred out

"Does my pretty little omega need something?"

Natemare's voice dipped down as he whispered into his pet's ear. He hated Dark, and to think of it, the fact that they're both alphas might be part of the reason why they always seemed to argue and fight.
His hand slipped down, between Anti's legs as he growled softly into his ear. He smelt delicious in heat. Natemare had good self control, completely able to keep himself from ravishing Anti if he didn't want it.

"Please Nate please" Anti was not due for a heat yet but when Dark went into heat it triggered his and at lest Anti did his best to get away. He was proud of himself for that.

A whine left his lips as more slick left his hole making a mess in his panties and his jeans. He had not only been left unsatisfied when he had the play date with dark then this. Anti need his lover and badly

Natemare pulled Anti's shirt off, a quiet chuckle leaving him when he heard his pet begging. He spread Anti's legs, pressing his hardening cock up against his heated, clothed hole.
"Is that what you want, my little slut~? You need to be filled, baby?"
He loved getting Anti worked up and excited, his hands tracing down his hips and slowly tugging down his jeans.

Anti sat up for a moment to let his lover remove his shirt. Then he laid back down in the nest of blankets and pillows he made down in the basement. At lest down here he was safe from other Alphas, all but his

Natemare/Anti RPWhere stories live. Discover now