Anti trying to show Mare how much he means to him

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// Mama G here again, The pic above is what Anti and his friends helped him set up for the date for Natemare. Anti will speck of other people in this bit, no need to worry who they are. They are just other RP muses of mine. In my mind for RP all my muses knew each other. Any way on with this little bit.


Anti was not the best wen it came to romance but he had an idea and ran with it. He had talked to Sasha and a few other female friends about doing something special for Natemare, seeing he said yes to a real date

He wanted to do something like the night on the beach where they were dancing. So Anti got it and had some friends help him set up a romantic dinner on the beach. He had gotten his friend LunaStarr to sing for them off shore. Seeing she was a mermaid she would not be able to leave the waters edge.

Sasha had helped Anti cook a meal was fun to. She had also helped set up the table for him. The demon had gone and left a note for Mare on his bed

Dearest Mare Meet me on the beach in the same spot we danced at 7:30 pm I have a surprise for you

Anti left the note and went back to the spot on the beach while he waited for his lover. He just hoped that Natemare would enjoy it

Finding the note left on his bed, Mare was a little confused as to what Anti was up to. But as soon as the clock struck 7:29, Mare teleported off.
He stood in the sand, briefly glancing around for his lover before his eyes met the setup. He froze, awe struck that Anti would set this up for him.
"...Fucking hell, Anti, you adorable bastard."

Anti heard Natemare's voice as he turned around. The smaller demon blushed and looked down as he turned his foot in the sand. "You said you go on a real date with me and I wanted to do something nice for you Mare."

Anti was kinda scared to let his softer and more romantic side out but he raised his hand and gave a sign to the Mermaid off in the water's edge for her to begin her song for them. Anti would have to Nate meet his adoptive family sometime. He had met Sasha already.

Anti could hear Luna's song along with the waves "Do you like it Mare" Anti was blushing hoping he really did like what he had done

//The song that is being sung by one of my other muses for this date. Play the song when Anti gives the sign to the mermaid

"I love you."
Natemare simply purred out, as he appeared in front of the smallish demon. He lifted his head, pulling him into a deep, loving kiss. No lust, or sinful desire behind it this time.
"I love it. Not as much as I love you, but close. You're so gorgeous in this light."
Natemare muttered, as usual just a little quiet about expressing his affection in public. But he didn't see anyone else around besides the mermaid, so he voiced his happiness and adoration of Anti.
"Its perfect, baby. Just like you."

Anti felt his demon heart flutter again. He was so happy Natemare like it, he worked really hard to set this up." I love you Nate." The smaller demon moaned in the kiss that was placed on his lips. It was full of love and Anti put the same feeling into the kiss.

Anti blushed at Mare's words "I just wanted to show you how much I love you. I know neither of us are good with emotion but we show each other in our own way. I asked for help on things I hope that is alright. I had this idea and they helped me with it."

"Maybe after dinner I will let you meet LunaStarr, she part of my additive family"

"Of course its okay to ask for help, baby. I wouldn't ever get upset with you for that."
Natemare lightly kissed the back of Anti's hand, his eyes closing before slowly looking into the others. His showed genuine happiness; filled with affection, admiration and devotion. He loved Anti, more then he thought a demon would be possible. Just seeing Anti's smile took his breath away.
"I wouldn't mind."

The happiness that was filling Anti was over flowing. He pulled Nate in for a tight hug and another kiss. He wanted to show Mare how much he meant to him. All that mattered in this life now was his dream demon. The world could burn for all he cared now. Tears of happiness rolled down his cheeks as he pulled back. "Mare, I am not good with words and emotions but I want to try and tell you how I feel while also showing you." Anti took a deep breath as he closed his eyes and the words just flowed from his lips

"I love you Natemare, I love you more then I should. This world can burn and go to hell as long as I can be with you. Every time I look at you I want to fall to my knees. Every time you touch or speak to me I shiver with delight and my heart feels like its going to beat or flutter out of my chest. If I could I would gladly rip my demonic heart and place it at your feet."

"I did not know what to make so Sasha taught me how to make a simple dish. With her help she helped me make Chicken Alfredo with salad and garlic bread." Anti was now really proud at what he had done. A light pink blush covered his cheeks as Mare kissed the back of his hand.

"Come on lets eat" Anti said as he walked them both to the table. When they were done he could not wait to have Mare met Luna. He was thinking of letting his brother Marvin met her along with Amalthea. What magician in the world would not want to meat a real mermaid and unicorn. Then again how a demon knew such things was odd. He wanted Natemare to meet them as well

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