Sweet words and last sight

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Anti let his shadow cover him as he reappeared in Natemare's room. He hoped he did not mind him crashing at his place. He just could not take another night of listening to Sasha ball her eyes out, or dealing with Dark and his drinking shit and wakening him up at odd hours with wanting to do stupid shit. Anti just need some peace and he knew he get at lest 'some' sleep with his dream demon. Stripping down to just his panties he crawled in Mare's bed and closed his eyes. Mare must have been out when he got there.

It wasn't long until Natemare returned. He hardly ever slept, and often just ended up wondering random places and doing random things on impulse. Seeing someone in his bed, the dream demon stepped closer until the scent hit him. Anti. He looked at his pet, the moonlight shining beautifully across his features as Mare slowly ran his fingers through the smaller's hair. His touch was gentle, as to not disturb Anti.
He stripped off his shirt, only leaving his jeans on as he slowly got into bed. Mare's muscled arm slipped around Anti's waist, slowly pulling him closer with a smile.

At the feel of the bed dip Anti cracked an eye open. And cuddled closer and his lover wrapped his arm around his waist "Sorry Mare, need somewhere quite to rest. You dont mind me dropping by do you? If you do I will make it up to you"

"We're dating, baby. No, I don't mind you coming by. Come and go as you please."

He muttered, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of Anti's neck. His eyes closed, his thumb slowly rubbing a circle around the younger demon's waist and just relaxing.

"Thank you Mare, I just could not take Sasha crying another night and Dark keeps busting in my place drunk to do stupid shit." Anti gave a heart melting smile and he leaned up and gave Natemare a sweet kiss. Closing his eyes as he enjoyed Mare's touch the shiver from the touch ran down his spine. "How did I get so lucky to have such a loving demon that still can put me in my place if I fuck up. I dont know but I love you Natemare. You so good to me" Anti let out a yawn and drifted off to sleep safe and warm in his lovers embrace. What Anti did not know was this would be the last word he would speck to Mare, or the last touch he would feel from him. 

Natemare/Anti RPWhere stories live. Discover now