Pas Poli

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"Are you sure about me being there?" you ask Hero "I'm perfectly fine with staying here" you continue to say as he's fixing his outfit

"Yes Y/N I am" he walks over to you pulling you from the bed.

Today, is Hero's Pas Poli photoshoot and he insisted you come but you thought you'd just be staying in the room. Not in the actual room, where the photoshoot would be.

"Fine" you groan giving in.

"Thank you" he smiles wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer.

When you get there Hero goes and joins the rest of the models and you go back behind the lights taking it all in, they do the group shots first which are serious but also have a super chill vibe to them.

While they are taking the single shots of the other models Hero walks over standing beside you

"You're killing it" you say smiling

"Well I do have my inspiration here" he smiles looking at you.

"Must you be so cheesy" you joke.

"Yes" he replies.

"Hero you're up" the photographer says

Hero gives you a kiss on the cheek then walks to a chair where he then sits.

"Do you mind lighting a cigarette?" the photographer asks.

Hero starts to light it bringing his hand up looking down lightly pulling on it as the photographer snaps various shots.

"Okay now look up and look like you're looking at something you want or can't live without" Hero's eyes automatically fall on you.

eu·phor·ic | hero ft imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now