Social distancing

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4k reads thank you so much I really appreciate it hopefully this will brighten your day a little with everything that's going on.

"This sucks I miss you" you say looking at the laptop screen

"I miss you too babe" Hero replies "but at least we can FaceTime" he continues to say trying to lighten the mood.

It's been one month since you have been able to actually be in the same room thanks to this whole lockdown/social distancing thing.

"True" you say somberly.

He smiles"I just got an idea"

"Okay let's hear it"

"Strip video games" he lets out a little laugh

"Strip video games?" You repeat raising a eyebrow.

"Yeah like strip poker only with video games"

Do I get to choose the game? you ask a smirk rising on your lips.

"So no bowling" he smiles

"Mario tennis?" We both suck at that so it's fair you laugh.

"Challenge accepted"

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