Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

There was a loud ringing sound as Delimari started to blink her dry eyes open as she staggered to get back up. Her vision was blurry as she rose up, then the ringing faded. Now she wished she didn't, as she heard screams and sounds of clanging metal.  Now the smell of smoke started to hit Delimari's nose as the curtains started burning.

There was now a lot more blood on the checkered white and black marble floor,some of it was even on her dress, her hands, and her face. Delimari saw more and more of the guest races on the floor. Dead.

From the chaos she managed to see a few politicians ran out of the same door that lead Delimari's room, probably trying to escape. She then saw the gryphon King and Queen escape through a Teleportation spell, meaning they left them, all alone now.

Delimari heard shouting as The King of The Reptiles was now bleeding to death with his wife next to him, sobbing as dead guards surrounded her the Reptile queen. She then saw him say a small spell, and as the queen's eyes widened with tears and surprise, she was surrounded by a teleportation spell and teleported away.
One Dark Elf Guard went over to the king with pity,  slitting the Reptile's throat, making his own blood go down his body and killing him as he died with a gurgling last cough

Delimari stood straight now, she saw something far more worse to her. Her mother was lying on the ground with the crown, It was broken. It was cut in half along with the heart covered in blood but not cut in half thankfully.

"Mother! Mother!" Delimari cried as she ran to her mother on the ground as she shook her awake to see if she would get back up.

To her shock her mother gasped for air proving she was alive. "Thank the dragon's! She's alive! Now she can teleport us and get us out of here!" She thought with relief.

But her moment was short lived as she heard a figure, as she turned around then.


She got punched in the face and it threw her back across the floor. The one who did it was Ulefro.He then grabbed both her mother's hands and twisted them making a loud, sickening..


And her mother screamed in pain. Delimari, saw this happen with terror striking her

The Ulefro grabbed her mother by the throat with his left hand and clenched it, choking her. Delimari walked up, she knew some fire magic so she can try to get him to let her go, but two Elves grabbed and restrained her. They held her tight, hurting as she helplessly struggled.

"Now, Queen Laatemo, do you have any last words you want to say to your precious daughter?" Ulefro said as his sword appeared in his right hand.

For that one moment, that one moment they looked at each other because this was the last time they'll ever see each other alive.

"I love you my darling." Queen Laatemo said.

"Me too mother. Me too." Delimari choked out as tears started to blur her vision as they went down her cheeks.

Everything started to go in slow motion for Delimari as her blurry mother was stabbed right through the heart. Ulefro did another, pulling out his bloody sword And then one final stab. It was over. Queen Laatemo was dead as Ulefro dropped her mother's lifeless body on the ground.

Delimari struggled and got out of the elven guard's grip and ran to her mother's body. "Why did this happen? Why!? Why!?" Delimari thought desperately, didn't know why. She just couldn't stop crying as she looked at her, Delimari closed her mother's glassy eyes for her to be peaceful. It was interrupted when Ulefro grabbed her by the throat with his right hand and removed the Purple Heart from the crown with his left.

The Chronicles Of Averia: Book 1: Dethroned Where stories live. Discover now