Chapter 11

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The sun brightened her face, Delimari awoke in her bedroom with a headache and a bit tired from the lack of sleep. She has had nightmares recently about her mother dying and a cat named after cookies.

"I must stop reading around after hours if I'm to wake up properly again." She thought. "Mother must be waiting for me? I better hurry." She got up and put on her clothes and walked out of her room.

But before she walked out of her room she noticed that her shoe stepped on something. It looked like a puddle but it was... red. Like blood. She thought and she opened the door.

What was layed out to her was that there were dead bodies everywhere. Dead royals to the Throne, politicians and Nobles, guards too. Delimari looked all around her at the horrible sight in front of her eyes. She then saw her mother walk through the door to the Throne Room.

"Mother!" She shouted and ran to her but Queen Laatemo closed the door. Delimari opened the door expecting to see her mother but she was soon stabbed with a sword into her gut instead by none other than Ulefro himself.

"You really thought you could escape from me little princess?" He said while walking her backwards as he moved forward with the sword still inside of her. "You're just as pathetic and weak as your stupid mother little girl."

The sword pained her so much that she tried to scream but she couldn't. Then Ulefro changed into his demon form and the sword got bigger like it did that same day. He stared at her with his blood red eyes under his deer skeleton face. "Your kingdom is mine, no one will ever fight back, my master is looking up at me and he sees what I have accomplished that could never have done." He said in his demonic voice.

He then started lifting her up in the air with her sword and the pain got even worse. "Now take one last look as you now fall to my kingdom." He pulled her out of sword and threw Delimari out the window shattered glass all over her body and she slowly watched and saw all the destruction and flames around her kingdom as she landed limp on the ground.


Delimari woke up startled as she then felt herself chained up from her ankles to her wrists. She felt herself shackled from her wrists on top of her head and her feet were shackled together too and felt that she wasn't wearing shoes or socks on. She looked around and saw the room around her. Everything was barely lit as her eyes tried to adjust to the light in the room. She figured out to be in some kind of wooden structure that was waving up and down, and then it hit her; she was on a ship.

Then the entire memory came back to her. Cookie! She looked around frantically and realized that she wasn't even alone either as her eyes became more clearer in the light now.

She saw that there were Lizard's and a few elves around her. They were all wearing ragged shirts and shorts and they were all barefoot too. Delimari looked at herself and saw that she was wearing the exact same thing they were.

"They got rid of my clothes. They knocked me out and dressed me in their slave clothes." She put together what was in her mind. She noticed that some were shackled with their mouths closed in muzzles as others were not, she also noticed that the room was lit by some lanterns too which were very small to light the whole slave part of the ship.

Looking to the right next to her was an elf who looked to be asleep, while there was a green lizard with a lime green feather Mohawk on her left side with his mouth shackled with a muzzle.

The ship then felt like it hit a big wave this time making Delimari's stomach turn a bit, then all of a sudden the door latch above them opened and she saw some light come down the stairs.

The Chronicles Of Averia: Book 1: Dethroned Where stories live. Discover now