Chapter 9

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It had been a few weeks since The Guardian had visited Delimari,  every time she went to sleep she always expected him to come but he never did.

During this time though everything has been normal for her, she's been hunting and affording her apartment, and getting Cookie cookies and a few toys now that she is a stay-at-home cat after the goblin incident.

Delimari loved to watch Cookie play with a ball of yarn, because when she speaks she is crazy. "MY PAWS CAN'T STOP GETTING THIS YARN! I LOVE IT!"

She even found and collected Cookie's hidden stash with her, but what she found shocked her. There was a whole bunch of cookies in that bag. Delimari of course, questioned why Cookie never has these cookies instead of Delimari buying her cookies.

"I can't eat these ones because my mom said that if I eat these cookies...bad things happen. I ate one once and something bad happened that I don't want to talk about..." Cookie had said when Delimari had confronted the calico about the hidden stash. Delimari saw the look like she was traumatized by it and decided to drop it and bring the stash home with her.

Today everything looked peaceful and calm today as she and Cookie, who was on her shoulder. We're now walking around town getting groceries from the General store. She got food for herself and of course. Bought cookies for Cookie.

They left the General store but as they were walking out they noticed there were lots of people walking around the town heading towards the town center along with the New Averian guards.

"What's going on over there?" Cookie said.

"I don't know." Delimari said as she decided to walk with them as she has never seen this town busy like this before. After a few minutes she walked and saw what was happening as people and other creatures saw what was going on.

It was an execution.

On the top of a boardwalk made for executing any creatures, there were some New Averia guards and a griffin lying flat on a board with his front and back legs tied to the legs of the board. He looked to be an adult griffin from his size. He was all beaten up with blood and bruises on him, but the worst part was that both his wings were cut off making sure he wouldn't escape.

"Please! Stop this! Please!" Delimari looked over and saw a female griffin shouting while guards held her back, griffin New Averia guards. Along with the female, was a crying little griffin who was crying into an elderly female griffin. Probably the griffins family.

Then a Dark Elf, probably a New Averia General, walked up to the platform and then Delimari heard some people whispering in the background. "General Cappiro Shorzien! In the flesh!" One said, amazed.

"What's he doing here?" Another whispered

"Wasn't he supposed to be trying to take over the Reptilian continent?" A third inquired.

"If so, what's he doing here?" a fourth voice grunted.

"I have no clue." the second voice said again.

Then everyone was silenced as the General spoke up. "My fellow Averian's! Today we watch this griffin beheaded for the crimes he has committed. Freeing our workers behind our own backs and killing a few of our own in the process."

The crowd then started booing at the griffin and some were cheering for him to be beheaded. "How do people love to watch this? Isn't this wrong? It's been 6 to 7 months since the takeover and already people are loving this?" Delimari thought as she watched in horror at what was going to happen.

"Now does this griffin have any last words before he is executed?" General Chappiro said, a little tauntingly.

"I do." He said, raising his head with the little strength he had left.  "You will all die! The magic of Revolution will rise up against you and cast a flame all over you! Burning you and your Armies to the ground!"

Everyone in the crowd was silent as Delimari saw a hooded figure a few feet away from her that looked suspicious to her.

The General gave the order and had an executioner swing his large axe up and then down on the griffin's neck, beheading him. The griffin's wife screamed and fell to the ground and the little griffin and the grandmother cried out in a mourning wail . The crowd went silent before some started to clap, and then cheer in an uproar.

Then Delimari saw then saw the hooded figure pull out a bow and drew an arrow and for a split second she ran to him to try to push him so he wouldn't fire through the crowd of people but it was too late already as the figure let go of the arrow as it  flew pass him and hit the executioner right in the forehead killing him.

Then out of nowhere a horn blew and so many hooded rebel figures with bows & arrows started appearing and started shooting at the General, but his guards had shields and surrounded him, protecting him as the arrows hit the shields and merely bounced off.

Then the New Averia archers started firing back at the rebels and worse; they fired at the crowd of people fleeing the scene, even killing the one hooded man that Delimari had tried to push out of the way of the arrow. Delimari got out of the crowd by running to an ally that she hid behind a corner and saw how badly so many lives were being shot by arrows.

"All these people and creatures... they were watching an execution and the next thing you know a group of rebels just comes right in and shoots at them using the crowd as shields." Delimari thought as she breathed in and out.

Then she got shocked and panicked again as she thought that Cookie was on her shoulder but she was gone. "Cookie!" Delimari yelped, and looked out at the ally to see if she was out there but thankfully: she wasn't out there, but Delimari did see that more and more rebels were getting killed.

Delimari was thankful she wasn't there. Cookie had to be somewhere else though. Then all of a sudden she remembered that she told Cookie that in case of an emergency she told her to get back to her apartment.

But before Delimari ran she heard shouting from some guards where she was hiding at from her corner and the voices were coming straight towards her. She ran to a stack of crates and hid but still heard the voices on what was going on. "How the hell are we going to get through this!? We were officially idiots today and General Cappiro will now have our heads for this in excuse of this display of rebellion."

Then another voice spoke but a female's voice. "I agree. I also just heard from the sergeant that even more rebels have been spotted to the southwest and to the east. I predict that if this goes any longer we'll have to commence an order 27."

"Which one was that again?" The male guard said.

"Order 27. Fancy way of saying that if we don't control this town: purge the area, town, or city."

The Chronicles Of Averia: Book 1: Dethroned Where stories live. Discover now