Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

..6 months later..

A deer lowered its head and slowly chomped on the grass in the forest clearing as the wind buffered its fur as it calmly ate on the beautiful morning.

Then an arrow pierced through it's neck, falling on the ground, killing it. Alagossa stepped over to the dead deer, putting her bow and tugging the arrow out and back into her arrow Quiver. She got out her hunting knife and used it by lightly stabbing the deer to make sure it was dead.

"Yes! Clean kill." She congratulated herself then dragged the deer on the grass for a good minute to a horse with a carriage on it, specifically for hunting deer or moose or whatever Alagossa found that was healthy.

She loaded the carcass on the back of the carriage and got on her horse and carriage and headed straight to town, to the local butcher/pelt shop.

After about another good hour of galloping slowly through the woods before she made it back to the town of Pineburgh. It was a small town because of the forest Island that it stands on. It was only about 500 miles Northwest of The Capital where King Ulefro resides at. "...King..." She thought but she couldn't say it out loud so she forgot about it.

She made it to the shop and got off her horse and showed the owner of the butcher shop. He was very pleased how clean it was and paid Alagossa for the deer, but she noticed something. "Hey this isn't what you usually pay. This is half." She said.

"Sorry. The New Averia Order have now increased their taxes." The Elf butcher said. Alagossa was furious about this, another tax increase from the capital. But Alagossa didn't have any other choice. "Fine.. I'll take it." She said, annoyed.

Alagossa took the money, unfortunately, it wasn't enough to feed her for another week but only for 4 days, along with paying her Hunting taxes.

Well there was thankfully enough to afford one Apple Cider at the local Pub. She was allowed to do so because there was a more friendlier side for Hunters and for creatures who just want Cider.

Algossa walked down the town of Pineburgh looking at all the house's made by all the oak tree's around the town. But there was a part she didn't like to look at. The slave trading post. The New Averia Order has now decided that some of the creatures, "That aren't even elves or dwarves." She thought as the poor races were sentenced to now work for Averia and Nobles houses.

During her walk she saw a Lime green Lizard with green feathers for hair walked beside Algossa with a bunch of other Lizard Slaves in chains with bands of metal around their muzzles and ankles .One stopped to look at Alagossa for a moment holding up the line and she couldn't help but feel sympathy for him, then a guard pushed him to get going and so he did with a drag in his step.

Alagossa moved on and made her way to the Pub but was still sad for that Lizard even though she still felt weirded out by them, that one, in particular, she felt sorry for. "The whole world is a mess now." She thought as she made it to the Pub and opened the door and walked right in.


The sun was now starting to dim as it was sunset with the orange and red pelting through the sky as Alagossa made her way to her mini apartment but she saw two guards doing something.. wicked.

The two guards kicked an elf woman to the ground and was going through her belongings. This was when Alagossa thought for a minute about doing something or not. If she let it slide they wouldn't see through who she really was, unfortunately, she couldn't resist from what her mind was pulling her to do.

"What's going on here?" Algorossa demanded .

The guards looked at her suspiciously. "None of your business!" But the lady who was kicked on the ground spoke as she shook. "They're taking all my money or anything valuable that belongs to me."

Alagossa thought of an idea and she took it. "I'll pay you all this money just to leave her alone." She really didn't want to but she just couldn't help it. The guards then took the money and dropped everything the elf woman had. The Elf woman then gathered most of her things that weren't destroyed and ran off, "Thank you!"

Alagossa smiled and waved goodbye but now she had no money to pay for rent for the next few days. She headed to her apartment and about 10 minutes later she finally made it up the stairs to her mini apartment located on the roof of the apartment complex.

She opened the door and it looked exactly the same. The ceiling was slanted because it was right underneath the roof. It only had one bed, a small bathroom with a small bathtub, and a wardrobe for her clothes. She went to the bathroom and took a bath after the long day she had.

When she got out she took a good look at herself in the mirror at her face and saw her brown hair and the cuts and the X scar on her left cheek. She then walked over to her wardrobe and put on a night gown, but before she went to bed she removed the plank under her bed to check on the Purple Heart to see if it was still there. Thankfully it was. She then put the plank back over it and closed it shut.

She got into her bed and sleep overwhelmed her. Then a tap tap tap sound went off from her window waking her up. She got up and headed to her window and saw a small brown, grey and white calico cat outside her window, having their paw to the window and tilted her head curiously. "...What's a cat doing up here?" She thought curiously as she opened the window and the cat came in but she looked out the window and saw nothing that would make a cat climb up a slanted roof.

She closed the window. "Okay...How in the world of Averia did you get up here." She said to cat out loud to herself as she stared at it.

"I don't know either but I just climbed and followed the mysterious whisper in my head to hear." The cat said.

The Chronicles Of Averia: Book 1: Dethroned Where stories live. Discover now