Rock War

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*The party POV*
"Mike where are we going?" Eleven whined out of sheer frustration.
"Yah Mike I'm fucking tired." Max complained, dropping the handle to the wagon containing there lunch and backpacks.
"Shut up for a second." Dustin said, as he and Mike were looking over the map.
Lucas looked over at the map. He didn't recognize it. "You fucking idiots," he cursed.
"This map isn't a map of Hawkins." He said, getting more and more irritated.
"Yah no shit," Mike rolled his eyes.
"It's to a town just out side of Hawkins." Will laughed.
"Yeah it's called Derry." Dustin said, pointing to the label.
"Milk?" Eleven said, confused.
"No love, it's called Derry Maine." Mike said, giving the map to Dustin and walking over to Eleven, grabbing her hand.

"Derry?" Max raised an eyebrow.
"We can't fucking go there!" She fearfully shouted.
"And why would that be?" Mike mocked, rolling his eyes at her.
"There's like a missing kid report that goes out like every fucking day." She explained.
"Yah that's true, Mike." Dustin confirmed, pulling the map down from his gaze.
"We'll be fine, we've fought off literal monsters before." he said confidently.
"Plus we have Eleven, I guess." Max said, putting her hand on Elevens shoulder.
"Uh no, you heard Hop, we can't use her powers in public." Mike said, taking her hand off of Elevens shoulder.
Max rolled her eyes at his comment.
"She can do whatever she wants." She said looking at Mike.
"If we're in danger, then yes she can use her powers." Mike said pulling Eleven in front of him.
"You have no rights over her~" Max started, before being interrupted by abrupt shouting beginning.

"ROCK WAR!" A voice shrieked from the distance.
Dustin, Lucas and Will looked over to the sound.
"R-rock war?" Dustin stuttered.
"Mike!" Will yelled from the trees.
"Look!" he pointed to a boy on the ground being pulled up by another boy with fluffy curly hair, and a pretty red headed girl throwing rocks while the other four boy were picking up the best rocks they could find. Just then they heard an inappropriate comment from the other side.

"You losers are trying to hard, she'll do you, you just gotta ask nicely, like I did."
Max's face turned red with anger at this sexist comment.
"Eleven, let's do this." Max grabbed her hand and pulling her towards the war.
"What the fuck, no!" Mike shouted, pulling her back.
"We aren't in danger, Max." Mike said, holding Eleven in his arms.
"No, but they are." Max gestured to the kids.
She yanked Els hand, and Dustin,Will and Lucas fallowed close behind.
Mike rolled his eyes and caught up to them.

They stood at a distance.
Henry and the gang looked over at the kids with what seemed like nothing to protect themselves with.
"Oh you want some too?!" Henry yelled.
"Who the fuck are they?" Richie asked.
"Hey that tall one kinda looks like you Rich." Beverly smiled.
"NOW!" Max exclaimed.
"AHHHHHHHH" Eleven screamed as several rocks raised from the water and shot at the group of bullies. Pelting them with tones of rocks.
"HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED." Victor Chris said pulling Beltch and Patrick to fallow him as they ran the other way. Leaving Henry on the ground in shock. Eleven walked up to him, and squatted down meeting his gaze.
"Run." She whispered.
The losers watching in shock, and aw.
Henry got up and ran away in fear.
"YAH that's what we thought mother fuckers run like the little bitches you are!" Dustin yelled.

"Holy fuck." Richie said.

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