Retrieving Eddie Bear

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After Eddie was scolded by his mom the whole way to the hospital to have them look at his arm.
"What did those animals do to my baby?" Miss K asked as tears ran down Eddies cheek. Not so much from the pain but more that he didn't know how he was gonna see his friends again, how he's gonna see Max again.
"They didn't do it mom!" Eddie cried.

Later his mom sent him out for his new bottle of prescription pills she had called in to the pharmacy.

"Called in for Kaspbrak." Eddie said confidently.
He doesn't know what it is, but he's been feeling different since the party showed up, and since he met Max. He feels more confident, like he can take control and stand up for himself.
"You know it's all bullshit right?" The voice Greta Keene asked from the other side of the counter.
"W-What is?" Eddie stuttered looking over to her.
"Your medication, they're Placeboes." She looked at him as if she couldn't believe he didn't know.
"What does Placebo mean?" Eddie asked nervously.
"Placebo means bullshit." She said.
Eddie looked nervous and scared that it could be true.
"No friends huh?" Greta said pretending to care.
"Your cast, no signatures or anything? So sad." She mocked has she pretended to cry.
"I didn't want it to get dirty." Eddie confirmed as he turned his head to look for the guy getting his pills, looking through prescriptions.
"I'll sign it for you." Greta said getting up from her chair and walking over to the counter.
"Oh you really don't have to do that." Eddie said.
"Nonsense." She smirk and presided to write the letters.
Eddie sighed and rolled his eyes.
"C'mon seriously?" Eddie said holding back his emotions.
All his previous thoughts about being more confident, just falling away.
Greta grabbed his prescription from her dad and through it on the counter, laughing.
"Here's your bullshit, cya loser." She laughed and went to the back.

As he walked out of the store a tear ran down his face. Knowing everyone who looked at his cast would see the word loser cruelly written on it.
He looked in the bag wondering if they were actually for an illness his mom claimed he had.
"Hey dipshit!" Eddie heard as the familiar voice of Henry Bowers was heard getting closer, being fallowed by his two reluctant friends Victor Chris, Beltch and Patrick Hockstetter.
Eddie turned to run away but was quickly fallowed.
Henry grabbed the back of Eddies shirt, yanking him to the ground.
"Get him Henry!" Patrick chanted.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Eddie screamed.
"Where's your crazy friends? Huh?" Patrick screamed into Eddies ear.
"Not here? Did they forget about you?" Henry aggressively grabbed a clump of Eddies hair pulling him to his feet.
"No! They didn't!" Eddie screamed.
Henry looked around to make sure no one was coming, as he held Eddie up against a brick wall.
"Shut the fuck up shit bird." Henry said punching Eddie in the eye.
"Shit." Victor whispered, he was never all the way ok with hurting the losers, but ever since the rock war, when El used her powers, he's been absolutely against it.
"STOP!" Eddie cried out.
Patrick punched Eddie in the stomach causing Eddie to cough and fall back to the ground.
Henry read the word written on his cast.
"Yah Henry maybe we should stop." Victor whispered.
"Shut the fuck up Victor!" Patrick screamed.
"Loser? That fits, doesn't it?" Henry laughed standing Eddie back up again.
"Now, how the fuck did that bitch throw rocks with her damn mind?!" Henry pushed Eddies head against the bricks.
"What?!" Eddie coughed surprised by the question.
"You heard him! How did she do that! She almost killed us!" Patrick yelled.
Eddie began to think about the group, and how he met Max, and he started to feel more confident.
"!" Eddie muttered kicking Henry in the dick, pushing him into Victor and Beltch allowing Eddie to make a run for it, out of the alleyway.
Henry chasing after him.
Eddie ran into a store and watched as Henry ran past.
"Are you ok?" A little girl looked at Eddie.
Eddie looked down at her.
"Yah, uh I just wanted to look at the...other side of this window?" Eddie tried to lie.
"What happened to your eye?" She stretched up to poke it, causing a sharp pain.
"Ouch!" Eddie said putting his hand up and covering it.
He looked around and walked to a mirror in the cosmetic section.
It was red and swollen.
"Holy shit my mom is gonna kill me!" Eddie whispered to himself.
Eddie looked back to the little girl.
"I, uh, fell off my bike?" Eddie said running out of the store and running the opposite way.

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