We meet again

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As the losers were sitting in the club house waiting for their arrival.

*The Loser POV*
Stanly had his head poking out of the club house with binoculars looking at the birds in the trees.
Richie was reading a comic book on the hammock.
Eddie and Beverly we're playing with a Hackensack. Bill and Mike were helping Ben nail the roof back on after yesterday's accident.

*The Party POV*
Mike was in the middle of the bikes speeding down the road as Eleven was on the back holding on to his back.
Max was racing down the street on her skateboard.
Lucas had the backpack with the weapons in it.
Dustin has all the back up walkie talkies and compasses.
And Will had the bag with the snacks and his Walkman, just in case.
They raced down the street where the rock war happened.

*The Losers POV*
*SCREECH* they all hear from up above.
"Guys it's them!" Stan said putting the binoculars down and running up the ladder.
They all stopped what they were doing and bolted up the ladder.

"So we meet again!" Dustin yelled jokingly.
They got off their bikes and Max picked up her skateboard. Eddie looked at her with a cute lil smile of relief.
"Thank god we thought you guys were gonna bail." Richie said.
"Richie!" Beverly grunted.
"W-we knew y-you'd come back." Bill smiled gesturing for them to come back down into the club house.
As they all piled down, Dustin walked over to the table that was in the corner.
"Lucas!" Dustin said gesturing for him to come over.
Dustin poured the walkie talkies and compasses on the table.
Lucas poured the weapons out on the table. The losers walked over to look at the stuff covering the table.
Just then Micheal put a lamb gun on the table with ammo to load it with.
Everyone looked at him.
"That's a good one." Dustin said smiling at him.
"What is this stuff?" Stan asked walking over to stand next to Will. Will blushed slightly.
"This is how we kill 'IT'." Dustin said smiling.
"But can't we just use Els powers to kill 'IT'." Beverly asked nervously.
"Yes of course, but you guys might just be dealing with a clown from hell, but where Eleven is, there's either angry Russians, mad scientists, and/or flesh eating body possessing monsters." Dustin said acting like it was normal.
"Excuse me, fucking pardon." Eddie said.
"Did you say flesh eating?" Richie said.
"Yes but we've beaten them all before it's almost a chore at this point." Lucas said laughing.
"Mike?" El whispered pulling him across the room.
"What is it el?" Mike asked concerned.
El reached in her pocket and pulled out a missing kid poster. It was a small boy who went by the name of Georgie Denbrough.
"I know it's sad right?" Mike said.
"No." She said as she pointed to Bill.
"Hey Bill what's your last name." Mike asked.
Bill looked over. "Denbrough." He responded.
Eleven looked up at Mike.
She walked up to Bill and showed him the missing kid poster.
"That's my l-little brother he went m-missing a few m-months ago." He said taking the poster and looking at it.
"Bill thinks 'IT' took him." Richie said.
"I d-don't think, I k-know 'IT' t-took him."
Bill said.
"Why do you have that anyways?" Eddie asked.
Eleven looked over at Max.
"Eleven and I were looking for a bunch of missing kids a while back." Max blurted.
"I recognize your last name." Eleven said.
"L-looking for them?" Bill said.
El nodded.
"How?" He asked.
"Just another thing she can do with her mind." Lucas said.
"C-can you find h-Him? Can you f-find G-Goergie?" Bill asked hopeful.
Eleven nodded and looked at Dustin, Lucas and Max. They got the walkie talkies and set them to a channel that was just static.
Mike pulled out a bandanna from his back pack.
"You don't have to do this El you know that right?" He asked. She nodded and tied the bandanna around her eyes.
"What the fuck is she doing?" Richie asked.
"Yah I don't see how this is helping." Eddie said.
"Quite!" El said.
They sat down.
"Just watch." Max whispered in Eddies ears causing a shiver to go down his spine he smiled and nodded.
"What's happening?" Stan whispered in Wills ear.
"S-shes looking for h-him." Will stuttered starting to sweat.
Stan nodded and stood up straight.
It was dead silent for a few minutes.

*Els black room thoughts.*
El was walking in the water looking for Georgie.
Just then she saw a small child in a yellow rain coat.
"Georgie?" She asked.
Everyone in the club house payed close attention to her. Bills eyes watered.
El walked up to him "Georgie?" She repeated.
He was crying on his knees.
She looked at him and walked around to face him. The room was pitch black for Georgie.
"Georgie m-my name is El." She said looking at him.
"WHOS THERE!" Georgie screamed, which startled El.
He started to scream and cry curling up into a ball.
"Georgie I'm here look at me." El said starting to cry at the sight of his fear.
The losers looked at Bill.
"What is ha-happening." Bill said.
"Shhh" Mike hissed.

"Who are you?" Georgie asked looking up at her.
"My name is Eleven, I know Bill." She said reaching for his cold hand.
"Like the number?" He asked.
El smiled and laughed as tears ran down her face.
"Yes like the number."

Bill looked at her and crouched down to put his hand on her hand. Mike looked at this with anger but focused on El.

"We're looking for you." El said to Georgie.
"Bill is looking for you." She told him holding his hand tightly.
"Hurry please." He said.
"We're co-"El was interrupted by the ground shaking.
"He's coming!" Georgie said.
El picked Georgie up in her arms and stood up. Just then.
"HES COMING!" Georgie screamed at the top of his lungs.
"Georgie?" A voice called out.
"Come and play." It said again.
"NO!" He yelled in tears as he nestled his face into Elevens neck.
"No? Well I guess I'll just have to come play with you." It said just then Eleven saw it, 'IT'.
"No!" She screamed.
El held Georgie tightly in her arms, and held her hand out to use her powers.
Just as soon as she did that, Georgie began to fade away.
"Georgie?" She said
"G-GEORGIE!?" She cried out, now empty handed.
"I can hear you." El heard from a distance.
El fell to the ground out of fear.

"EL!"  Mike yelled trying to wake her up.

"I can smell your fear." She heard.
"NO!" She yelled at the voice.
"You're not like the others, no you're different." It said.
"I can't wait to meet you hahahahaha." It yelled.
The laughter echoed.
"Stop stop stop it!" She screamed. Breaking a lightbulb in the club house.
"Holy shit." Richie said.
El ripped the blind fold off in a sweat.
"W-what happened." Bill said in tears.
Everyone looked at el.
"He knows I'm here." El said

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