Mike And Richies Monster

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When they split off Mike was left standing there across from Richie, who was visibly laughing without opening his mouth.
"What's so funny?" Mike asked, as he slumped over to his bike.
"No nothing just they were right," Richie said as he walked next to Mike.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Mike asked getting more and more irritated the more Richie spoke.
"We do look the same." Richie said getting on his bike.
Mike rolled his eyes at that.
"I know." He said sounding very defeated as he got on his bike.

"We could totally do those twin things like we could walk around and like freak people out." Richie said as they were heading to the arcade.
Mike rolled his eyes.
"Why are we at the arcade?" Mike asked.
"I don't know, I think something happened here that scared me at one point." Richie explained.
"Huh lets just go in I guess." Mike said walking up to the door.
As they walked in Richie immediately walked over to a game the read Street Fighter.
"What's this?" Mike asked fallowing him.
"It's called street fighter, it's fun lets play it." Richie said putting two quarters in the slot.
"I don't know how." Mike said looking at the screen.
"It's easy just mash the buttons and move the joy stick." Richie said as he started the game.
"Uh, ok." Mike said squinting at the controls.
As they started playing, a boy walked over to them.
"Could I play?" The boy asked.
"Uh no we're kinda in the middle of something." Mike said irritated.
"Mike that's Conner Bowers." Richie whispered into his ear.
"He's that jerk from the rock wars little cousin." Richie explained.
They just continued to play.
"C'mon it's my fuckin turn!" Conner yelled.
"No fuck off." Richie laughed.
Conner turned around and looked at Henry as him and his friends walked out of the theater.
He smirked at himself.
"DUDE why are you being weird?" Conner asked looking at Mike and Richie, as they slowly looked at him.
"I'm not your fucking boyfriend." Conner said.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Mike asked looking at him.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Henry said looking at them.
They all looked at him.
"You assholes didn't tell me your town was full of little fairies." Conner said gesturing to Mike.
"Richie fucking Tozier, and his twin brother?" Henry asked.
"You're trying to bone my little cousin?" Henry asked getting closer to them.
"What the fuck no!" Mike yelled looking at them.
"If anything, your little cousin was trying to bone us." Mike yelled at him.
"What the fuck did you just say faggot?" Henry said getting closer to him.
Just then Victor Chris whispered in his ear.
"You're the kid from the rock war huh?" He asked.
"Yah, wanna call me that again?" Mike said folding his arms, as Richie was pulling on his shirt.
Henry and the gang backed off.
"Well it was nice talking to you guys we gotta go now." Richie said pulling him out of the door.

"Look it's cool you stood up to him again, but you're forgetting I still have to go to school next year with those assholes." Richie said picking up the bikes.
Mike smiled at him.
"That was fun." Mike said to him.
"Ya ya so fun let's just go to the park or something." Richie said pushing up his glasses.
They road down the street to the park.
"So were they what you were afraid of?" Mike asked as they got off their bikes and walked over to the bench that was next to the Paul Bunyan statue.
"Bowers? No, I'm sure everyone's scared of him." Richie shook his head as they sat down.
"So what, are we just supposed to wait for something bad to happen?" Mike asked looking off into the park towards a Paul Bunyan statue.
"I guess so." Richie sighed pushing his glasses up.
"Are you ok?" Mike looked at him.
"Yah why wouldn't I be." Richie asked.
Mike looked at him knowing something was definitely wrong.
"Look That dude in the arcade doesn't know what the fuck he's even saying I'm sure 90% of the time." Mike looked at him.
Richie laughed.

"Want a kiss Richie?" A voice said sounding raspy and distorted.
Mike and him looked up at the empty space where the statue was.
"I may not have been here for long but I swear there was a giant statue right there." Mike said pointing to the empty spot.
"There was." Richie nodded.
They both slowly looked over to the side.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh." Mike screamed getting up and grabbing Richie and running away, as a giant spear destroyed the bench they were sitting on.
"Ah holy shit holy shit holy shit!" Richie screamed.
"Fuck Richie pick up your feet please." Mike yelled.
Just then the spear crashed to the ground right next them causing them to crash to the ground.
The statue raised the spear as if to stab it right through Richie.
"Ohhahahahaha!!" The statue let out.
"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real, it's not real." Richie said curling up.
Mike covered his eyes, before The statue killed them both.
"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real, it's not real." Richie continued.
Silence rushed over them, they both opened their eyes to see nothing. The statue was back on its post, and the bench was just as it was before.
"I think I just shit my pants." Richie said laying his head back on the ground.
"Holy fuck." Mike panted.
Just then the trees started to move.
"M-Mike?" Richie stuttered looking at the trees.
"What?" Mike responded looking at him.
"What the fuck is that." Richie said squinting at what at first looked like a man, it was a 9ft tall man.
"Richie don't move." Mike said looking at the man.
The mans face opened up to expose razor sharp teeth and drool.
"Holy fuck." Richie said.
"What the dick is that?" He asked.
Mike looked at it with pure horror.
"It can't be, there is no possible way that could in any way be." Mike said.
*SCREEEEECH* the thing let out as it started to run towards them.
"Shit oh fuck, Richie let's go!" Mike yelled grabbing his arm.
Just as they were running away the thing ran right past Richie.
"MIKE! LOOK OUT!" Richie yelled at him.
The thing pounced on Mike, knocking him to the ground.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Mike screamed as the thing lifted its arm to bring down and stab him in the side.
Richie thought quickly, he looked over to the backpack with the hairspray and lighter. He picked up a rock and threw it at the thing.
"Hey look at my dick head!" Richie yelled at it.
The thing jumped off of Mike covering him in drool.
"Aw shit." Richie said running to the backpack taking out the lighter and hairspray and pointed right into its mouth.
He shot the fire.
Sending the thing to screech in pain.
Mike ran over to Richie and grabbed him and made their ways to their bikes.
As Mike was getting on he looked to see the thing running into the woods.
Relief, fear, and confusion rushed over him.
"What the fuck was that thing?" Richie asked as they road down the street.
"A, a demogorgon." Mike stuttered.

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