Do you read me?

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*The Losers POV*
"That's it I'm calling it! They aren't fucking coming." Richie said to the group as they were already in the club house waiting for them.
"Richie it's been ten minutes since we got here, relax." Beverly said.
"NO! Richie is right. This was stupid to think that strangers that we met yesterday would ever wanna help us." Eddie said.
"S-shut up they'll c-come, we just have to be p-patient." Bill said.

*The Party POV*
"MIKE! Do you fucking copy!" Mike heard as he was startled awake.
"I copy." He said waking up and picking up the walkie.
"Dude we're gonna be late, over!" Dustin said over the walkie.
"Late?" Mike said confused.
"Late! Mike." Dustin said annoyed.
"We have a prior engagement, any of this a ring'n a bell? Over." Dustin reminded.
"LATE, FUCK, right I'll wake up Will ,over." Mike said.
"Hurry up we're outside. Over." Dustin said.
"Is El with you?" Mike asked
As he got up and looked over at Will sleeping soundly.
"No, we have to go get her, over." Dustin said.
Mike tried to shake Will awake and he remembered what Lucas had said about Will the night before. His hand hovered over him. He shook his head.
"Will wake up man we gotta go." Mike yelled.
"What? go where?" Will said turning over.
"Remember yesterday?" Mike said.
"Oh yah, we're actually doing that?" Will asked surprised.
"Guess so." Mike said.
"Now c'mon we gotta go get El." Mike smiled as he went to greet his friends outside.

Lucas was messing with the channels, twisting the knobs, and with every twist,
"Do you copy?" He asked.
"What's he doing?" Mike asked pointing to him.
"Yah we kinda forgot what channel they were on, that or your twin was playing with it again." Dustin joked.
"Stop saying that I do not look like that weirdo." Mike said crossing his arms.
"Yah ok buddy." Dustin laughed.
"I don't!" Mike said.
"Mike, hun, yes you do." Max said laughing.
"No I fucking don't." Mike said getting annoyed.
"Will hurry up!" Mike yelled through the door.
"Do you read me?" Lucas said for the finale time.
"Read you?" A voice from the walkie repeated.
"Is this Bill? Over." Lucas said.
Everyone walked over to Lucas.
"T-this is B-Bill." A voice said.
Everyone sighed in relief upon hearing that reassuring answer.
"This is Lucas over." He said.
"Oh thank fuck." We heard quietly in the back.
"W-we didn't know h-how to u-use this thing."
Bill said laughing in relief.
"We're one our way, just got to pick up our secret weapon." Lucas laughed.
"Ok we-we'll wait in the c-club H-house." Bill said.
"Alright, we'll talk to you later, over and out." Lucas said pushing the antenna Down.
"Alright let's get El." Will said walking out of the house.
"Onward and upward my friends." Dustin said as they picked up his bikes.

*The Losers POV*
"No forget it Bill they aren't coming back!" Eddie yelled out of fright of having to fight the clown by themselves, and the heartbreak of never seeing Max again.
"Yah they got our hopes up just so they could leave." Richie said.
Just as Bill was about to agree.
"Do you read me?" Buzzed out of the walkie talkies.
They were all worried about who was on the line.
"Read you?" Bill said confused by the question.
"Is this Bill? Over." The other line asked.
"T-this is B-Bill." He responded.
"This is Lucas over." Lucas said over the line.
"Oh thank fuck." Richie sighed as he sat down on the swing.
"W-we didn't know h-how to u-use this thing."
Bill said laughing in relief.
"We're on our way, just got to pick up our secret weapon." Lucas said.
They all looked at each other with relief.
"Ok we-we'll wait in the c-club H-house." Bill responded nodding to everyone to get their agreement.
"Alright, we'll talk to you later, over and out." Lucas said.
Bill pushed the antenna down.
"What did we say?" Bev said looking at the group.
Ben smiled.
Eddie looked way happier then the others as he feel back on the hammock.
He had the biggest smile plastered on his face for the next few minutes. Until the losers realized he hasn't stopped smiling since they got word they were coming back.
"What the fuck are you so happy about?" Richie asked looking at him.
"H-he's happy t-to hear they-they're coming back Richie." Bill said.
"No it's something else." Richie laughed.
"What the fuck is so funny dickweed?" Eddie said looking at him.
"Ed's is excited to see his new GIRLFRIEND!!" Richie yelled.
"Girlfriend?" Beverly asked.
"Who Eleven? Isn't she dating the other Mike." Micheal said.
Everyone looked at Eddie in confusion.
Eddies face got bright red and he covers his face with his hands.
"N-no the red h-head. R-right?" Bill asked.
"M-max was it?" Bill continued with a smile on his face.
"Ha ha funny, Stanly was smiling too yuh know." Eddie said sarcastically.
"No I wasn't." He lied.
"Yes you were don't lie." Richie said.
"I'm just happy we don't have to fight this thing on our own." Stanly said kind of telling the truth. He was just excited to see a curtain person.
"Yah me too." Micheal said sitting down.
"Still I'm freakin he fuck out." Richie said.
"M-me too." Bill said.

*The Party POV*
They all arrive at Elevens house.
Mike gets off his bike and runs up the steps and knocks on the door.
The door opened up to see Hopper looking down at Mike.
"Can I help you?" He said sarcastically.
Mike rolled his eyes.
"Is El here." Mike asked sarcastically.
"I'll check ." Hop said holding his finger up and nodding with a sarcastic grin on his face walking in and shutting the door.
"C'mon we don't have time for this." Dustin said rolling his eyes.
A few seconds later hop opened the door.
"Nope, wouldn't you just know it she just left." He said.
"HOP!" El said from behind him.
Hop rolled his eyes.
Mike smirked at him.
El squeezed through Hop and the door to stand in front of Mike.
"I'll be home later." El said as she walked away to join her friends.
"Forgetting something?" Hop said.
El rolled her eyes and smiled.
She walked back up the porch and kissed Hop on the cheek.
"Love you have fun and remember." Hop tried
"Don't use her powers in public." The all said at the same time.
"Thank you." He said.

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