The Quarry

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Dustin and Bill were the first to arrive at the Quarry.
Bill sat on the edge of the cliff and cried.
Dustin noticed this and sat next to him and put his arm around him.
"It's ok man it's over." Dustin said patting him.
"W-why did I-it have to be G-Georgie." Bill cried.
"I don't know man, that clown is a piece of shit." Dustin said looking down at him.
Bill straightened himself out and nodded.
"Bill!" A voice called out from behind him.
They turned to look.
It was Beverly and Eleven.
Beverly was covered head to toe in blood.
"Holy shit!" Dustin yelled running over to them.
"A-are you o-ok?" Bill asked Beverly.
Her and Eleven had tear stains on there cheeks.
"Mike?" Eleven asked looking at Dustin.
"Not yet." Bill said taking Beverlys hand.
"We're the first to show up." Dustin continued.
"Eleven?!" A familiar voice yelled from behind them.
Eleven turned to see Max and Eddie riding up.
Eleven sped walked over to her and hugged her tight.
"Are you guys ok?" Eddie asked looking at the blood on Beverly.
"Yah we're fine." Beverly smiled.
"Just happy it's over." Eleven added looking at Max.
"Ed's!" A voice screamed from behind them.
Eddie rolled his eyes and turned to look and Mike and Richie getting off their bikes.
Mike shoved Richie out of the way and ran to hug Eleven. Mike picked her up with his hug.
"Mike!" Eleven laughed.
"I missed you!" He laughed.
They all smiled at their cute little hug.
"How'd that go?" Eddie whispered to Richie, gesturing to Mike.
"Ya know, not as bad as I thought it was gonna go." Richie said pushing his glasses up.
"How bout you and Miss red?" Richie smiled pointing to Max.
"Oh uh fine." Eddie smiled looking over at her.
"Mike!" Another voice called out.
They looked to see Will and Stan walking along side their bikes.
Mike ran over and gave Will a hug.
Stan looked jealously, but then looked away.
"Will." Eleven said giving him a hug.
"New kid!" Beverly yelled running to Lucas, Micheal And Ben.
"Micheal are you ok?" Beverly asked looking at the tear stains on his cheeks.
"Am I ok? Are you ok?" Micheal smiled at her.
They nodded and smiled at each other.
"I-is that everyone?" Bill asked.
They all looked around.
"Yah that's it." Dustin smiled.
"So what are we doing here anyways?" Max said walking over to the edge.
"S-swimming." Bill smiled.
"We didn't bring our swimsuits." Mike said holding Elevens hand.
"Who said anything about swimsuits." Richie laughed, pulling his shirt off.
"Oh good lord." Dustin said laughing into his hands.

Micheal Stood at the end next to Eddie, who stood next to Lucas, who stood next to Dustin and Bill who stood next to Stan and Will who stood next to Mike and Richie. They all stood there shirtless in their underwear.
"Alright who's going f-first?" Bill asked.
"What we're jumping!" Mike looked at Bill, shocked.
"No shit Mike!" Dustin laughed.
"I'm not jumping off of this." Eddie said looking over the cliff.
"Yah fuck that." Micheal Laughed.
"We'll go!" They heard from behind them.
They turned to look at Max, Beverly, and Eleven in their bras and panties.
The boys looked at them wide eyed and opened mouthed.
Mike looked at Eleven with his mouth opened wide and his cheeks turning red.
"Sissy's." Beverly laughed.
The girls smiled at each other, held hands and ran threw the group of boys and jumped off.
"What the fuck!" Richie yelled as the dropped into water.
"Ah holy shit we just showed up by a bunch of girls." Richie said looking at them.
"Yah girls that could blow you up by looking at you." Stan laughed.
"Well you only live once!" Lucas said jumping off.
"Wait up!" Bill said fallowing.
Eddie looked over the cliff to Max.
"Huh this is so dangerous." Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Yah but my girlfriend did it so." Mike said stepping off the cliff.
Ben looked at Micheal they nodded at each other and jumped off.
"Ahhhhh." The screamed in unison.
"FUCK IT!" Richie yelled running off the cliff.
"Don't worry Ed's you got it duuude." Dustin said stepping off the cliff.
"I'm gonna die." Eddie shook his head.
"C'mon Eddie you got this." Will smiled.
"Yah just jump off." Stan hurried.
"Shut the fuck up Stanly, I'm not risking my life so you can spend time with your boyfriend." Eddie said.
Stans eyes widened.
"He's not my boyfriend asshole." Stan said folding his arms. Will looked up at him sadly.
"Yah whatever." Eddie growled.
"C'MON EDDIE!" Max yelled from the bottom.
"Ok see you two at the bottom." Eddie said running off the cliff.

"I-I'm not?" Will stuttered looking up at Stan.
"Well I don't know, I've never actually dated anyone before." Stan explained.
"Yah me neither, but if you're worried about them finding out, my friends won't mind." Will looked at him.
"Yah I'm sure mine won't either but let's just wait it out for a little and then we can tell them." Stan smiled at him.
"So are we?" Will asked smiling at him.
"Are we what?" Stan asked.
"B-boyfriends?" Will stuttered blushing as they walked over to the cliff.
Stan smiled really big.
"Yes." He said fast.
Will nodded excitedly.
"So are we jumping?" Will asked.
Stan closed his eyes and gulped.
Will reached down to grab his hand.
Stan griped it tightly.
"We got this." Will smiled.
"Ok." Stan smiled.
"On three." Will looked forward

"What is taking so damn long?" Max laughed.
"Probably jerking each other off." Richie laughed.
"Ew. C'mon Richie." Beverly squinted at him.
"Richie come on seriously." Ben said shaking his head.
"Fucking gross." Micheal laughed.
Mike, Lucas and Dustin looked at each other.
Lucas gave a look that said.
"What did I fucking say?"
Mike rolled his eyes.
"Do you think?" Dustin looked at Mike.
"I don't fucking know." He yelled.
"Know what?" Max asked swimming over to them.
"N-nothing." Lucas said.

"1," Will said looking up at Stan.
"2," Stan said starting to shift over to the cliff.
"3!" They said together jumping off the cliff forgetting to untangle their hands.

"Look!" Dustin yelled.
Max squinted her eyes.
"Are they holding hands?" She asked.
"Oh my god." Beverly laughed.
"I told you!" Richie said.
"I fucking told you so." Lucas whispered to Dustin and Mike.
"I knew Stan was gay." Micheal laughed.
"They're probably just holding on for balance." Mike said to the group.
"Sure." Richie laughed walking over to him.
"Shall we see?" Richie asked.
Max Beverly and Eleven were already heading to them.
"Hey guys!" Max smiled at the boys.
Stan and Will realized they were still holding hands and quickly released.
"How's it going you two?" Beverly asked winking at the boys.
"It's going fine." Stan said blushing.
"Why are you red?" Eleven laughed and raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not!" Stan said.
"We saw you guys holding hands when you jumped."
Max laughed.
"Shit." Will whispered.
"D-did they see?" Stan stuttered.
"Yah but they think it was for balance." Beverly laughed.
"Are you guys, like dating?" Max asked.
"Yah dating?" Eleven nodded.
Stans eyes widened.
"Oh Stan look at that bird." Will pointed.
"Oh that's a nice one." Stan played along.
Max and Beverly crosses their arms and looked at Eleven.
Eleven splashed them with water with her mind.
"Oh shit that's cold!" Stans voice cracked.
The other boys noticed the commotion.
"Did El just use her powers again?" Mike asked looking angry.
"Woah we got a possessive boi don't we?" Richie asked smiling.
Lucas and Dustin looked at each other.
"What did you just say?" Mike asked turning around to him.
"I said you're possessive." Richie laughed.
"R-Richie s-shut the hell up!" Bill yelled at him.
Mike splashed water on him.
Richie splashed back.
Everyone got into a splash war.

"Dating?" Eleven asked looking intimidating.
Will looked up at Stan.
Stan tilted his head to the side.
"Uh um we?" Will tried.
"YES!" Stan yelled.
Will looked at him with wide eyes.
"You are?" Beverly straightened up, not expecting that answer.
Max smiled really big at Will.
"Oh my goodness Willy boy I'm so proud of you!" She said.
"Dating?" Eleven asked smiling.
They both nodded.
"But you can't tell the others, not yet at least." Stan said looking at them as they started to walk over.
Max ran over and hugged Will.
"Max you're gonna give us away." Will said gasping for breath.

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