Eleven And Beverlys Monster

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When the group spilt off at they all went there separate ways.
"Here you can ride on the back of my bike." Beverly said gesturing for Eleven to hop on.
Eleven got on the seat and they raced down the street.
"Where are we going?" Beverly asked.
"Fear." Eleven shouted.
Beverly knew exactly what that meant.
They road to Beverlys apartment.

As they got there Beverly got off, and looked out into the lot to see if her dads old pick-up truck was there. It wasn't. She sighed in relief.
And led Eleven up the stairs.
She reached around her neck to get her key to the apartment, only to realize that she has left it in the club house.
"Shit." She whispered.
"What is it?" Eleven asked walking over to her.
"I left my key in the club house, I can't get in without it." Beverly said looking at her.
El smiled.
"I got this." El walked in front of Beverly, and just like that she unlocked the door with a jerk of her head.
Beverly opened the door and smiled.
"Awesome." She smiled.
El smiled at her.
The walked in. El looked around at the blank walls and messy living room.
"My dads not here so we have time to do whatever it is we came here to do." Beverly said shutting the door and walking into her room.
"Where is your fear." El asked sitting on Beverlys bed.
"Not here right now." She responded.
"Well-" El started.
"Beverly." A whisper hissed from out side of the room. Causing them both to walk out of the room to investigate.
They slowly made there ways to hallway.
"Beverly." They heard again. They cautiously walked to the bathroom where the whispers came from.
Beverly looked into the bathroom sink.
"H-Hello." Beverly shouted into the sink.
"Help me." The whispers asked.
"Help me please." It continued.
"We all want to meet you down here." They said.
"We all float down here." There we're now multiple whispers coming from the sink.
El looked at the merrier to see a shadow walking down the hallway.
"Eleven." A familiar voice called out.
Eleven turned around and walked out to fallow the voice.
"Eleven." Elevens eyes watered her heart started beating out over her chest.
"I've finally found you my dear." It was papa.
"No." Eleven said as she walked into the living room to see papa standing there looking at her.
"Come with me Eleven." Papa said.
"NO! GO AWAY!" Eleven yelled at him.
"I've finally found you and now you want me to leave, that's no way to greet your papa." Papa tsked.
"NO! YOU'RE DEAD!" Eleven yelled at him.
"Here I am standing in the flesh looking at you and you looking at me. You see me you sense me you hear me." Papa said walking to her slowly. Eleven started to back up.
"So you tell me Eleven, do I look dead, to you?" Papa asked.

Beverly got closer to the sink. Looking down the drain.
"Who are you?" Beverly asked.
"I'm Veronica," one said.
"Betty Ripson." Another said.
"Patrick Hockstetter." Another said.
"Come closer, wanna see, we float." The whispers said.
"We change." A whisper said getting distorted.

"Get away from me, GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Eleven yelled at him.
She held her hands out and threw him across the room with her powers.

Beverly heard a thud coming from the living room. She looked around the bathroom realizing that El wasn't in there with her anymore.
She went to go and see where she was.
"El?" She yelled.
Just then ropes of hair fired out of the drain rapping themselves around her wrists.
Bev let out a scream of shock and fear as the hair raped it self around her arms and legs holding her in place.
"Ahhhhhhh." She screeched.

Eleven looked over to the bathroom and started to run towards it.
"Where do you think you're going?" Papa hopped in front of her as if nothing had happened to him.

The hair pulled her head down directly over the sink.
Pulling her closer and closer to the drain.
Then a liquid started to bubble out of the sink.
It shot into her face with force. It was blood.
She screamed louder and started to cry.
The blood flung all over the room. On the walls, on the floor, in the bathtub. Everywhere.
The hair released and sent Beverly crashing to the ground covered in blood.

She threw him again and again and again, but every time papa would get back up and block her path.
"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Eleven finally screamed breaking all the glass in the house.
Papas ears started to bleed.
A screech proceeded out of who Eleven thought was papa.
It shape shifted back to its true form. The clown. Pennywise.
This sight shocked Eleven with fear and she tripped to the ground on her back.
The clown cover both ears in pain as he backed up and disappeared into a closet.
Eleven sat there in shock and relief that it was over.
"Beverly." She whispered to herself, picking herself up and and running to the bathroom.
"Beverly! Ahhh." Eleven screamed at the sight of the bloody mess.
"Eleven!" Beverly cried out to her.
Eleven ran over to her nearly slipping in the mess. Picking Beverly up and grabbing a towel and whipping her face clean of the blood.
"I need to change." Beverly said crying and walking towards her room.
Just then the door knob twisted and opened.
"My dad! Hide!" Beverly whispered pulling Eleven into the closet and closing the door.
"Hey Bevey." He said as he walked into her room.
Beverly looked at him, expecting him to say something about the blood that covered her clothes.
"What have you been up to?" He asked seemingly blind to the blood.
"I-I-" Beverly started.
"What happened to all the windows." He said looking at her windows and then the ones in the front room.
"I don't." She tried.
"There were no boys here were there?" He said getting closer to her.
"No! Daddy there wasn't." She responded quickly.
"People in town are talking about you." He said grabbing her arms and smelling her hair.
Eleven looked in shock out of the slits in the closet door.
"They're saying that you're running around with a group of boys, only girl in the pack." He whispers.
"No." Beverly whispered.
"I swear daddy." She cried.
"Are you doing, womanly things, in the woods with those boys?" He asked.
"N-no daddy I wouldn't."
"Are you still my little girl?" He yelled at her.
This angered Beverly.
"No!" She shouted shaking lose from his grip.
"What did you just say?" He asked pulling her back and throwing her on the bed .
"I said no!" She screamed trying to kick him off.
Eleven sat in the closet panicked trying to think about what to do.
Her dad started to unbuckle his belt.
Eleven heard this and opened the door.
"Ahhhhh." She screamed throwing him at the wall, knocking him out cold.
Beverly got up and slowly walked over to her and hugged her while crying.
"Let's get out of here." Eleven said.

They got on Beverlys bike and road down the road.

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