(vii) feelin' good.

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9:30 PM: MAYA.

        "This is nice, I haven't been to one of these in a minute." She spoke, looking around the vintage-like diner with a smile at her features. There had been a jukebox, a couple flipping through the selected CDs with indecisive behavior. Something from Nina Simone began to play, their hands intertwining as they began to sway back and forth. She turned to focus her attention back on SJ, realizing that he had never stopped looking at her. A flush arose at her cheeks, causing her to look down at her menu. "So. . . what's good here?" She asked, flipping through the menu before them. If she could change the subject as soon as possible, that'd be great.
"I usually get the chicken and waffles and when I'm feeling down, I get Chef's chicken noodle soup. It's a homemade version of Campbell's with some seasoned chicken and saltine crackers to die for." He said, looking at the menu himself. "When I'm feeling like a dare devil, I just let the waitress pick. Nine times out of ten the check will be free if it's nasty and it never is." He finished, a smile spreading at his lips. God, he was so handsome.
"I like the sound of the chicken noodle soup. I think I'll have that with some lemonade." Maya said, closing her eyes to look at him through her eyelashes. No surprise, he was looking at her.

Oh, sometimes. . I get a good feeling, yeah.
I get a feeling that I never, never, never, never
Felt before, woah yeah. I get a good feeling. . .

For what seemed to be like forever, they just stared at each other. SJ couldn't help but to smile and Maya couldn't help but to blush. The waitress made her rounds, an elderly woman who carried a decorated notepad in her hands. "What can I get you guys started with tonight? Hey Junior." She said, reaching to hug his head before looking towards Maya. The small glance was unfamiliar, but her eyes lit up at the sight of such a beautiful girl. "You ever been here before, pretty lady?"
"No ma'am, I'm new to the town. It's a first." Maya responded, looking to Junior with a nervous smile at her face.
"Well baby, I'm going to get you a welcome dinner. You can take it home and make it last for a couple days, baby." The waitress said, smiling down. Maya looked at her name tag, taking notice of her name.
"Thank you, Mrs. Sandra." Maya said before looking to SJ. Sandra rubbed her hand over his head before taking our drink orders and dismissing herself. Maya chuckled, furrowing her eyebrows before asking the billion dollar question. "Are you.. I mean, is she your mother?"
"Nah, she's not. She raised me with my grandmother though, before she passed." SJ turned his head, pointing his finger to a picture of two younger women that had been hanging above the bar counter area. "The one to the right is my grandmother. They were best friends." He said, a small twinkle in his eye.

Maya had known what it was like to lose someone so close and especially so sudden. A weary, yet forcefully encouraged smile appeared at her lips. "W-what happened to your grandmother?"

SJ looked towards Maya with a blank face before shrugging his shoulders, shaking his head in thought. "Time happened. Old age caught up to her, things that were undiscovered took over her body. I'm content knowing that she's no longer suffering and she's in a better place." He said, voice lowering as Sandra returned with their requested drinks.

Sandra could tell by Maya staring at their college picture above the bar, a discussion of his grandmother had come up. She turned around, hands on her hips with a smile at her face. "My, my, my. She was as beautiful as can be and the LIFE of any party. There'll never be another like Susie Jewel. We'll never forget her name," Sandra drifted off, tossing a towel in between her hands before walking off. "Yes, indeed.."

Maya had been wiping her mouth, trying to get a laughing SJ to shut up for once. She had wiped her entire plate clean, leaving not a crumb of the welcome dinner for her people at home. "Damn girl, you can eat." SJ said, watching as she stacked her plates to ease the load for Sandra.
"I'm not going to lie, I was going to come pick at my food and try to eat cute, but I just couldn't hold back on this. I haven't had a pot pie like this since my mother cooked it. And the mashed potatoes? Chef put his arm and legs in that." Maya said, kissing the tip of her collected fingers like a French cuisine chef.
"This is my favorite place, ever. Nork is full of good places, but nothing beats this." SJ said, grabbing the ticket and filling it out. She reached into her backpack, pulling out a 20 dollar bill to leave for Sandra. "Maya, don't leave that tip. She's gonna whoop my ass."
"What? Why not?" Maya asked, the bill hovering over the table in her hand.
"Sandra does not like tips. She feels like they're pity money for bad service and she knows her service is good." He said, standing to exit the diner with Maya. Maya didn't protest, not wanting to disrespect her wishes so early on. She tucked the bill in her bag before they exited the diner, a small thank you being spoken before the ticket was paid for.


"Can I ask you something?" SJ asked, finishing the ice cream cone in his hand before throwing it in a pass by trash can. Maya hadn't been finished with hers, but she tucked a strand of straightened hair behind her ear before nodding her head. "I know you mentioned your mom in the diner, did something happen to her?"

Maya halted at her feet, swallowing the last bit of ice cream that had been in her mouth before looking to him. The sound of the passing cars filled her ears, bystanders and other passing people coming into her vision. It wasn't right to avoid the question, but did she need someone in her personal life yet? SJ, who she found out was named Sage, had shown her a genuine side. But did she need to let him in so soon?

"My mom passed away last year, she went missing and the case was closed. We're assuming she's dead." Maya said, looking down to her feet before lifting her head with a smile at her face. It didn't make sense why they had given up on her mother, but she would not. The reoccurring injustice that she felt towards the situation started to bubble in her stomach, like it was making her sick. "Take me home, please." She said suddenly, dropping the ice cream on the side walk with a quickened pace at her feet to separate herself from Sage and this sick feeling.

He picked up the speed, grabbing her cone from the floor to throw it away in a nearby trash can. "Maya, wait," He called after her, grabbing her arm to halt her movement and turn her to him. "I didn't mean to cross any boundaries or bring back any hurtful memories. I won't ask about her again. You can't go storming off though, it's New York. You don't want to go missing, do you?" His grip tightened as she tried to break free again, but he kept her still at last.

Maya looked to him, then at his hand. She didn't move when he freed her, both of them walking to the car in silence. The entire car ride was silent, not even the radio filling the silent car. It wasn't soon before they pulled into the condo like apartments, the engine shutting off. Sage looked to her as she looked ahead, arms folded at her bust. What could she be so mad for? He just wanted to know more about her. "I had a really good time with you tonight," he started, causing her head to turn and look to him. "Many women out here don't like to do the traditional catch a dinner and talk type of thing, but I'm glad we did. I'm glad you let down a part of your walls with me, especially with that food."

Maya chuckled, turning her head to the window to avoid him seeing her smile. "I had a good time too, Sage. I'm sorry I ruined it," she said, looking to him finally. She brushed her hair back from out of her view, hazel eyes looking to Sage. Hesitantly, and very hesitantly he leaned forward. Almost like he caught himself, his body jerked backwards.

"Can I kiss you? Or something. Isn't that how these nights are supposed to end?" Sage asked, a smile at his features. Were things moving extremely fast? Maya had nodded in response, letting her eyes flutter close as they both leaned towards each other. Sage was eager to feel what appeared to be the softest lips, his eyes closing as well.

"Zzz, zzz, zzz, zzz!" A vibration started, causing Maya to jump out of her skin. She snatched her body back, fumbling with her backpack in her lap to get her ringing cellphone. Jas' contact picture appeared, causing her to answer the phone in a hurry. "I sure hope you're coming home. He's fine and all but classes start at 8 am. Where you at? Come home. What you breathing so hard for?" Jas asked, it sounded like she was pacing.

"I'm coming upstairs right now Jas, Christ." She said before hanging up the phone, zipping her backpack closed. "Bye, Sage." Maya said, reaching for the door handle. Their actions had been extremely inappropriate in such a public setting, she thought. Jas had saved her from -

"Nah, hold on, ma." Sage said, grabbing her arm to bring her from opening the door. He'd move his hand from her arm, moving it to her chin to turn her face towards his. In a soft but firm fashion, he'd press his lips against hers. The kiss was as gentle as a feather, his hand sliding from her chin to softly hold her throat. Maya didn't even know how to moan, but it slipped from her lips as the kiss deepened. Sage enjoyed the feel of her soft lips, the taste of her cherry vaseline egging him on to taste the vanilla ice cream that was once at her tongue. She tasted so good.

Maya pulled from the kiss, a soft smacking sound occurring as they both gathered their breath. Her breathing was shaky before she got herself together, opening the door and stumbling out. She'd enter the building before looking back, noticing that Sage was waiting until she made it in before driving off.

What was she getting herself into?

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