(xxv) dangerous dealings.

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"Make sure you're serving "Legacy Worthy", bitch. I'll be back in town shortly.
- A."

Maya read aloud once the males had left.
        It had been a couple of hours prior to the dinner event happening and the both of them were getting dressed. Cree was cracking open his make-up and wardrobe whilst the both of the girls stood looking through the wardrobe from Amirah. Most of it had been formal, impressive type of wear and nothing compared to their last event. Maya wished that Amirah had been in town, but she was out on a styling gig with a known Celebrity from LA. Maya pulled out a two toned blazer dress, causing Jasmyn to cock her head back in surprise. "Bitch, are you meaning to tell me that you actually considered a dress and heels?" Maya slapped her arm before Jasmyn pulled out her outfit, a nude and black suit with a matching trench coat. Cree had called them into Maya's room, who had the biggest room. Maya shrieked at the sight of her room being turned into a makeup room, but she had no serious complaints.
        After an hour, Jasmyn had alerted them that Nicholas would be here shortly to pick the both of them up. Maya's hair had been straightened to the Gods and Jasmyn's had been with little bumps in the end. The both of them stood in their outfit and heels, analyzing themselves in the mirror.

          "If this doesn't blow the woods out of the water, I don't know what will

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          "If this doesn't blow the woods out of the water, I don't know what will." Jasmyn said as the doorbell rang. The both of them stepped from the room with Cree encouraging them. Overall, he had decided to stay. Jasmyn opened the door slowly and in dramatic fashion, hand on her hip with her body leaned. Nicholas gazed at her from head to toe while Sage did the same to Maya. The four of them stood in silence before Nicholas spoke, voice shaking with his hand extended. "Let's go shake the table." Jasmyn said, a giggle at her lips.

        Maya looked up at the house in the distance in complete awe, recognizing that it was the same one from when she had gotten drunk and first spent the night with Sage. They all remained in the back of the limousine and she lost sight when it turned, causing her to look back to Sage. He had been staring at her, his throat clearing once he forgot to look away. She smiled shortly, the driver stopping the car and opening the door. There had been a white Benz truck in the driveway, but no other cars had been in sight. Nicholas and Jasmyn walked hand in hand to the door, Sage and Maya following at close shoulder lengths. One of the Butler's opened the door, laughter coming from the distance to their ears. A white woman came from the side stairs, handing two black bags to both Sage and Nicholas, a nod coming from the brothers.
        "Whew! Speaking of, are those my sons? Sage? Nicholas?" Maya could hear a man with a deep voice say coming from what appeared to be the Dining Area. "Yes sir," Nicholas said, holding his hand up to Jasmyn and Maya for them to wait back. She heard a voice exclaim at the sight of the brothers, chairs scooting back as they appeared to greet them. "Hold on, Dad. I brought some.. important company." Nicholas said, both his head and Sage's heard turning to signal the surprise guest. Jasmyn stepped out proudly, an ear to ear smile from her cheek exposing her perfect teeth, her form going to find the hands of Nicholas. Maya stepped out shortly after, a soft and gentle smile at her features as she stood by Sage. Silence cut the room short once both of the girls had been said. You could hear a water from the faucet drop.
        "And who are they?" The man at the head of the table asked. A white woman had been holding his hand while the darker woman across from her had a look of anger on her face. She stood as well, eventually, eyes cutting directly to Jasmyn. "Nicholas Princeton James-" His father started but Nicholas cut him off smooth.
        "This is Jasmyn Hera Givens, the mother of my child and eventually, my wife." Nicholas said, causing Jasmyn to look up at him. He went to stand behind her, hands holding her stomach to indicate that she was with child. Sage grabbed the waist of Maya, holding her for comfort. Their father stared at them before clearing his throat, taking a look to the darker woman who had her mouth wide open.
"Bianca, excuse the shenanigans of my son. I know the state of your daughters heart is important," He said, looking to Nicholas with nothing but anger. "Yes, Jasmyn and Maya, have a seat and join us for dinner."

Maya sat there and ate her food, the table completely silent. She had learned that their father's name was Carter and Nicholas Mom's name was Charlene. Bianca was the name of the mother to Blaire and Tamia, who were exchanging messy whispers. Carter hadn't spoken one word, downing drink after drink until Jasmyn cleared her throat. "Dinner is good, Mr. James." She said with a natural smile. Bianca and Blaire scoffed, rolling their eyes and taking a sip from their champagne. There was only so much that she could take. She grabbed the napkin from her lap and tossed it at the table, a loud thud sounding. Maya blamed it on the hormones while the other at the table gasped. "Do you have something in your throat? Is there something that you want to say? Since you've been mumbling underneath your breath this whole time," She said, directing her anger and frustration towards Blaire.
Blaire looked around, clearing her throat in a classy fashion before getting comfortable in her seat. Her eyebrow had been raised, a devilish grin at her lips. "Is there something YOU want to say, since you had to trap a man for his fortune?" Nicholas exclaimed her name while Blaire shrugged her shoulders, holding her hands up in surrender. "What, isn't that what you said when you called me the other night, Nicholas?" Jasmyn shifted her gaze from Blaire to Nicholas, but there had been no hurt. Surprisingly, she left him room to speak.
"I was drunk. It was the night we had dinner." Nicholas said truthfully, so Jasmyn redirected herself back to Blaire.
"I would hate to be a sick and desperate bitch like you, remaining in an arranged relationship to make your momma happy. You're pitiful bitch, right alongside with your sister who got Sage coked up and let him overdose!" Jasmyn said, the cats all coming from the bag. Maya, however, did not know of such a thing. Jasmyn kept going, however. "And Miss Bianca? Don't you feel ashamed? Carter does great business and he does sleek business, but you're holding him by his collar so your daughters can be married into a good fortune? Pfft, did this one over here," her finger was at Tamia. "Tell you that she was closeted and fucking her best friend while drugging the heir up? No. Because you're a terrible example of a mother. You force happiness on these bitches and that in turn, makes them not tell you shit! I hope my child never feels that way with me!" Jasmyn said, Charlene standing to pull Jasmyn back. "Come on sweetie, step back." She said softly. Jasmyn's face had been covered in tears as she exited the room, Nicholas following behind.
Maya stood from her chair, holding her chin high before she took a sip at her champagne. Soon, the liquid contents had flown across the room and on Tamia's expensive Givenchy. Sage gasped once she started full blown throwing food and screaming, her eyes now filled with tears. "You could have killed him you selfish, stupid bitch! You don't deserve his love, his attention or his affection, you low down scum of the Earth!" She screamed, now full blown crying. She reached to remove her glass shoe, chunking it right at her eye. "Kiss my brother and his fortune to your trash ass company goodbye!"

Blaire had went to comfort Tamia, who had been crying with her face in her hands out of shame. Bianca went to comfort her daughter as well. Carter remained at the head of the table, ignoring the commotion completely. Charlene walked back into the dining area, Bianca and her children soon leaving. "Nick and SJ left with the girls, are you alright?" She asked, sweeping her blonde bangs to the side.

"Never been better," He said. She couldn't tell if he was impressed or anger. All he knew was one thing. . .

Things would never be the same.

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