(xv) ghostin.

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Just how wasted could one get?

        Reign moved the comforter from his body, realizing that he had been in the guest room of Cree's apartment. There was a loud ringing at his head, causing him to place his palm at his temple.  At times like this, he would call on the lord to fix his fuck-up into a miracle. His phone was resting on the nightstand rather close to the bed, plugged in and charged. Next to his phone was a small glass of water with some medication for the headache, he assumed. Cree must've taken care of him, a weak smile at his features as he slithered up to rest against the dashboard. He popped the medication and rested his head back, dozing off into a temporary sleep.

        The smell of breakfast filled his nostrils, ultimately pulling him from his temporary slumber. The sun was coming through the blinds now, indicating that he must have had at least 30 to 45 minutes of rest. He stood from the bed, realizing that his wardrobe was different from yesterday. He wore long pajamas pants with a regular white tee, hair flattened in some areas. He exited from the room, now hearing the light meditation music that had been playing. Cree was facing the stove, satin robe clinging to his figure as he waited to flip the pancake. Reign took a good look at the scene, realizing that 2 wine glasses had been filled with orange juice while a third had been filled with apple juice. The sound of the floor creaked beneath him, causing Cree to turn around and wave him over to the island.

        "Rise and shine, party gworl," Cree said as he placed the pancake on the plate. He scooped some of the already cooked eggs onto the plate, a piece of bacon and sausage before handing it to Reign. "How are you feeling? We got pretty loaded last night." Cree asked once Reign sat down, turning off the stove after he fixed his own plate.

        "I feel a little better. I woke up and took the medicine, slept for a little again," Reign said, checking his phone to see if his sister had texted or called him. Nothing. Reign looked back to Cree, letting a sigh of relief leave his lips before he began to eat at his food. "How did you sleep? What all happened last night?" He asked Cree, who stood up and downed his wine glass before refilling it. He stared at the ceiling for a little before shrugging his shoulders, a smile spreading at his lips.

        "I would be lying if I sat here and told you that I remember, but I don't at all," He said, biting into his bacon before licking his lips clean and responding. "I do remember you holding my invisible hair while throwing up outside. How we got home? It's a miracle," Cree said, now finished with his food before he began to make a third plate. Reign thought about him having company, but he didn't question his personal life. If anything, they were just breaking past that coworker barrier into friends.

        "I'm just thankful we made it back, I haven't had a forgetful night like that in so long. It felt good to.. Well, I don't even remember how I feel. I'm gonna finish breakfast, shower and then head home. I need to get some papers turned in at the office." Reign said, Cree nodding his head while pointing his finger.

        "Get that shit turned in, sis. Tamia likes you, which is weird because that bitch is so fake to everyone." Cree said, grabbing the third wine glass and the plate before stalking off to his bedroom. "Take my car! Office first! Toodles and drive safe." He heard before the door closed, a pattern of giggles occurring afterwards. Reign emptied the rest of what he didn't eat in the garbage before walking over and washing his dish in the sink. He did as he told, taking care of his hygiene before slipping into the only accessible wardrobe that he had.

        The drive to his job from Cree's house was much more simpler than the drive from his own apartment. He let the radio blast as he pulled into the Parking Garage, applying lip gloss to his lips once he parked. He grabbed the files that he left in his backpack from yesterday, thankful that they didn't screw it getting home. His entire backpack was left in the car, nothing untouched as he checked his belongings. He turned the car off, stepping out of the car and strutting to the elevators. Reign pressed the button to the main lobby, booted heel sounding against the marbled floor once he arrived. "Hey Abby, appointment with Tamia?" He said, smiling at the receptionist of his building. He looked around as the receptionist checked her computer for the appointment, her smile going from cheery to concerned.

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