(viii) yeah, i said it.

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1:30 AM: MAYA.

(This chapter, I'll be trying something different. If you guys don't like it, let me know.)

The shower had been rippling off her skin, her head turned towards the shower head with her eyes closed. Had it been the scorching heat from the shower causing her cheeks to flush or had Sage been on her mind? Maya could admit, she hadn't felt lustful thoughts for someone since her early high school years and that was extremely short lived. The thought of his lips on hers caused her to run her hands through her corrupted silk hair and down her body, dragging her hands back up to rest her fingertips on her bottom lip. The effect that he had on her was so demanding and she believed he knew it, too. Maya had never been admired and the way he gazed at her could set her body aflame.

Her hands reached to turn the shower off, stepping out to wrap her body in a towel before heading into her bedroom. She had managed to make it into the apartment without a lecture from Jas, but as she glanced at her bedroom door she could see a small light coming from the living room area. Instead of basking on her lustful thoughts like she had planned too, she tossed on her kitten stamped pajamas and made her way into the living room. Her hands smacked her cheeks, hoping to lessen the flush. Jas had been in the kitchen area, leaning against the counter with a hot mug of tea in her hands. Maya approached with caution, going into the fridge to pour herself a glass of milk.

"You want to tell me how things went or do I need to assume by the blushing that things went well?" Jas said, turning to face Maya with a dimpled smile appearing in her cheeks. Maya could feel her shoulders relax, a smile appearing at her features as well. "I didn't mean to call and sound so motherly, I hope he don't think I'm your mama."

"Things went well, I enjoyed myself," Maya started, trying to skate away from the kiss in her mind. "He took me to a diner and we had some good food, then we went to an ice cream bodega or whatever you call it to get some ice cream." Maya said, nodding her head in a content fashion. She raised her head after looking around to meet a staring Jas. "What?"

"Don't "what?" me, girl. Does he kiss good?"

"Oh my god," Maya slapped her palm against her face as Jas continued to talk.

"Yeah, I know what it looks like to be kissed and flustered, Maya. He fine as hell so I would've done the same thing, straight to a cold shower." Jas laughed, causing Maya to swat her arm away with violent intentions. "Well, I managed to score a date later in the week with a business mogul. His schedule is hectic so we'll be going out Thursday to an Opera of his liking." Jas started once their play fighting had ended, filing her nails so nonchalantly.

"That's good, do I know this guy? Was it pretty boy from the party?" Maya asked, trying to recollect on what his name was and what his face looked like. Jas nodded her head to both questions before turning her head towards a ringing phone in the distance.

"Let me get that and you need to head to bed. Class tomorrow. Goodnight, love you." Jas said before jogging off to her room. Maya was left standing in the kitchen, hand underneath her chin as she slowly marched back into her sinful thoughts.

        In the Morning.

Maya's outfit

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Maya's outfit.

        "I'm hoping that this lecture isn't as boring as it was the other day, you know my attention span is short." Jas stated as the two of them walked into the class that they shared with Sage. He had already arrived, unloading his backpack that went across his body. One notebook and one ball point pen, Maya noticed. She began to do the same, removing the important things from her backpack once they chose a seat. "You're going to have to catch the train home, by the way," Jas said, breaking her from her thoughts as she scrolled through her cellphone. "He's picking me up for a surprise. I thought we were supposed to be hanging Thursday?" She said with a smile at her cheeks, as if she was asking him through the text message.

        "What's the occasion? I knew we should've been regular and drove today." Maya said, knowing that she actually enjoyed the view from the train. Before Jas could respond, the teacher walked in and started his lecture before he became settled. As the lecture continued and the students drifted off into boredom, Maya could feel her phone vibrated inside her purse. The first time was something that she could ignore, but another text caused her to adjust in an uncomfortable manner. Stupid phones and their stupid broken DnD.

s 🥱: he's boring the life out of me. good morning btw.
s 🥱: hope I'm not distracting you. what are you doing after this?

        Maya looked up from the phone once another set of typing bubbles appeared, noticing that Sage had turned around and smiled at her. Her cheeks flushed for a moment, turning her head back towards her phone and shutting it off. If God had gifted her super hearing for just seconds, she could've sworn that she heard him scoff and chuckle. The door of the classroom snatched open, revealing a beautiful dark skin girl that was in business suit attire. It had definitely been different, neon like green suit standing out as her clear heels tapped against the floor. She stepped up to the podium, the teacher halting his voice before her loud briefcase thumped against the desk.

        "Good morning, class

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        "Good morning, class. Although I'm arriving late, I want you to know that as the TA and graduating senior that I'll be teaching the class," She started, clasping her hands together as she walked from around the podium. She scanned the room, her chocolate eyes gazing towards Sage for a little too long. She continued her sentence, "My mentor and very appreciated friend Mr. Sands is quite boring, but I'll bring the class alive. For the first and only time class will be dismissed early. Sajaír, remain after class please?" The name was unfamiliar, which Maya noticed while the other students had been packing their belongings and leaving.
        "Alright Bestie. I'll catch you later," Jas said as she dug in her purse. She pulled out a small wad of cash, stuffing it in the front of Maya's backpack. Maya nodded, a cheek to cheek kiss exchanged before she jogged out there classroom. For the most part, the class had cleared but Maya took her time to pack her backpack up. Out of her peripheral, she noticed that Sage had been strapping the backpack across his body. With a sigh, he stepped to the podium. A small exchange had been whispered before the lady looked from around him, clearing her throat.
        "I'd like the classroom, Miss Wright. Any further questions that you could possibly have will be answered in the syllabus being emailed to each student tonight. Have a good rest of the day." She said, a soft smile at her features. She couldn't be any older than the rest of the classroom, yet she was so professional. Maya chuckled nervously, waving her hand before dismissing herself through the door. She felt so jealous, so dumb and so insecure. She didn't stand a chance against the TA, she didn't even want to try.
        How long had she been in her thoughts of jealousy? Sage appeared with the lady in green locking the door behind them. The same matte lipstick that she had worn at the beginning of the class had been completely wiped off, fresh chapstick now coating her plump lips. Bitch, what the fuck, Maya thought to herself. No she hadn't been analyzing this girl to the T. She pushed from the wall abruptly as soon as Sage attempted to approach her, dismissing herself and power walking to the nearest elevator. She had worn flats so if she needed to run, she could.

She needed to stay to herself, anyway.

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