(xxiii) promises.

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amari 🙈: you always giving niggas a run for they money in 8ball or what?

nah, i didn't even know how to play this game.

amari 🙈: stop the cap. get some help.

        Maya let another giggle flow with ease, feet kicked up on the living room couch. She heard the door open and slam roughly, pulling her from her attention before she looked up to see it was Jasmyn. Her typically neat mascara had been running down her face, her car keys being thrown onto the island. Maya got up reassuringly, cooing until she could get her best friend in her arms. She held her tightly as she let out wails in her shoulder, a frown at her features. She didn't like to see Jasmyn like this and she couldn't even imagine what she was going through, but she had faith that in due time all this would pass. Maya helped removed her best friend's makeup in her bathroom and took her out of the body jumpsuit that she had worn to dinner. She helped her wash up, the cries never once stopping before she dressed her.
        There had been many days back in their childhood when sometimes, sleeping in their own home wasn't enough. Maya tucked Jasmyn into her own bed, sitting there to rub her back comfortably until she fell asleep. Maya just wanted to be able to do something, something that could take her best friend's pain away. She exited out her text messages to Amari before going into another thread.

please tell me you up.

sajair 🙄: this must be an emergency.

"Don't worry about the change of plans, Boss."
        Jahmir said, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel of his all blacked out 1970 Dodge Challenger. Something of his musical taste had been playing in the background, but he ignored it completely. "Alright bro, treat that girl right tonight. Don't rush to get back to the Warehouse," Sage said before hanging up the phone. Jahmir tapped his phone against his lips before he leaned down, looking to the window to see what the wait was. "The fuck taking this nigga so long?" He asked himself before he saw who he wanted to see.
        Reign had been jogging down the stairs of his apartment lobby, now stepping in the door that spun to take him outside. As promised, he packed a spend the night bag and wore a smile on his face. "I'm so sorry for the wait, I managed to get the baby down and convinced my friend to babysit him." He said, leaning over to kiss Jahmir in the driver's seat. It was something about the lean in his seat and the look of lust in his eyes... Mm. Jahmir shrugged him off, excusing his time error before letting the car roar alive. He spotted two water bottles that had been hanging out the side of Reign's bag, a soft smirk at his lips.

        "So, you couldn't save this poor girl time and take me to a restaurant?" Reign said, watching Jahmir's personal maid serve them wine while the other staff members in the house brought out their dinner requests. Jahmir chuckled while sipping the wine before shaking his head, rolling his eyes. "Oh right, I forgot you were a DL." Reign said with a bit of attitude, snatching up his wine glass before whispering his appreciation to the servers.
        Jahmir looked to Reign for a minute, contemplating on whether he'd give him the sob story to ease his attitude away about them being hidden. This was their second date, to be exact. "You know why, Rei. Don't even give me any attitude about me being in the closet." Jahmir said, leaning back in his seat uncomfortably. There was tension before the both of them started to consume their food, light piano music playing in the background. Reign was surprised, but because of his pride he wouldn't say anything. Jahmir looked like a typical hood negro trying to make it out alive. He had a nice apartment that viewed the city, a nice waiting staff and a gorgeous piano sitting in the living room.
        "The food alright?" Jahmir asked, causing Reign to look up from his food. For some reason, his cheeks were flushed.
        "The food is great," He said, clearing his throat. "I l-like the condo, too." Reign said with a blushed smile. Jahmir smiled before nodding his head, resuming to eat his food.
        "I like you, Reign." Jahmir said, making intense eye contact once more. It made his body flustered from his toenails to his styled curls on top of his head. Reign just blushed, however, going back to his food. Tonight would be a good night.

        "I'm coming!" Sage said, brushing his beard out before jogging over. He tossed on a shirt for friendship purposes, his arm pulling the door back. He looked Maya from the ground up, noticing how she had her arms folded over her bust. She gripped her purse as he stepped to the side, inviting her right in. "What's the emergency? Are you alright?" He asked once the door was locked, leading them into the living room. He paused his Netflix show, taking a seat on the couch.
        Maya looked around the new interior design of the apartment, mentally giving him points for the things that he had done with the place. She cleared her throat, nodding her head to answer the most important question. "I was hoping to run into Nicholas here, but I can leave a message." She said, standing near the living room entrance. Sage sighed, covering his mouth with his hand.
        "Sit down, Maya," he said at first, a weary look in his eyes. "Please?" Maya took a seat, letting the strap of her purse fall from her shoulder. "It's about the pregnancy, isn't it?" He asked. Maya swallowed hard, just remembering how messed up Jasmine was.
        "It's more than that, Sage. Jasmyn is heartbroken over his reaction to her being pregnant. He - I mean, none of us really expected for a baby that soon." Maya said, crossing her legs. "I need you to talk some sense into your brother."
Sage looked to Maya for a minute, knowing that now would be a perfect time to clear the fact that True and him were just friends. Maya looked back to him, waiting for a response before nodding his head. He let out a sigh, now thinking of how to make her stay. "I'll talk to Nicholas and I'll get him to talk to Jasmyn. On the other hand, I'll handle damage control with Dad." Sage said and received an approval nod from Maya. She picked up her purse strap, standing before Sage stood as well. "I-Is that all you came by for?"
Maya turned to look at him for a moment, knowing that deep in her heart she wanted to spend time with him. However, she smiled and nodded her head.

"True seems like a sweet girl."

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