(x) new girl in town.

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8:00 AM: MAYA.

The weekend had come faster than expected.
        Friday was here and her schedule was clear. There was honestly no telling on what the day could bring to her, but for now she was focusing on heading to the precinct. In a Wall Street black and white striped pantsuit, she walked the streets of New York with her head held high. The morning sun was rising, a pair of square and black shades - which she admittedly stole from Jas - protected her eyes from the sun. Her detangled hair had been coated in gel, slicked high into a neat bun with two curls falling at either sides of her head. She slurped down the rest of her coffee before tossing it in a sidewalk trash can, opening the door to the precinct.
        "Mrs. Wright, I understand that you're considered about re-opening a closed case. The odds of that are 8/10 that it would happen. We need some evidence, a reason that your case from Crenshaw should fall in our laps. We're already so busy." The white Chief spoke to her, hands clasping and unclasping as he spoke. Maya cleared her throat before placing her suitcase on the desk, opening it and revealing a very substantial amount of evidence that she had never revealed to anyone else. It would ruin her mother's legacy, but it would bring her justice.
The look on his face just about said it all.

12:30 PM.

"You guys aren't lying, it's draining."
        Reign said, shaking his head as he sat across from his older sister. They had agreed to meet one on one, since Jasmyn was busy securing an internship from earlier this week. The absence was absolutely acceptable. Reign had a bunch of portfolio's in his hands, shuffling through them in frustration as he sipped at his coffee. "I mean, I have it all. I draw my art, I create my own clothes. I'm READY to see my clothes on stage." Maya chuckled at him, nodding as she showed him that she understood.
        "I haven't even tried to present in any art gallery's, it's too much for me. I can't face the rejection." Maya said, biting into her avocado toast. She stared at her brother for quite some time, lips twitching in a weak smile before she spoke. "You'd be a good model, Reign. You get your angles, look and perfect jawline from Mom." Maya said again, adding a piece of ham to her toast before taking another bite.
        Reign and Maya gazed at each other for a while before both of them had teary eyes. Their laughter came soon after, wiping their hands off before they wiped their tears clear. "To lighten the mood, there's a party in a suburban neighborhood. A bunch of my intern mates were talking about it and I managed to cop the flyer. It's definitely college themed so it's a MUST that you and Jas go. I'm going to, but I was more so thinking of you guys first. It's Dress to Impress." Reign said, sliding over the flyer. It was a birthday celebration of someone important that attended her school. Maya chuckled as she chewed at her breakfast, tossing the flyer as she chuckled.

"Now, who in their right mind is paying $10 to get into this birthday bash? They claim proceeds are going to charity, my ass."

A couple hours later.

"Dress to Impress, Maya... DRESS TO IMPRESS!!"
        Jasmyn screamed, looking toward a Maya who claimed to be dressed but she was wearing something similar to the last party they attended. If they hadn't had a sisterly bond, the dragging from living room to bedroom could be seen as pure domestic violence. Maya had been mushed against a bed and shaken several times. "It's dress to impress, meaning we need to come out of our bodies and souls to snatch the eyes of everyone in the room." Jasmyn started, rumbling through her closet as she looked for something presentable. A bag of makeup wipes were tossed first before Jasmyn appeared. "Go re-wash your ass of the bullshit you tried to pull and meet me back here ASAP. Condition your hair and dry it."

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