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Death sucks. This word death, i hate it to the core of my heart. Whenever i listen to this word i start getting a sinking feeling in my heart, tears in my eyes and numbness in my soul. 5 days ago, one of my relative expired. It was and still is the most shocking news of my life, that man ,who was of my father's age died, he didn't saw his kids getting married, he didn't even saw them graduating, he didn't even saw anything and just like that he died. He died without any notice, one moment he was here with us and the next moment it felt like he never existed. Life is not guaranteed. I can be here today but tomorrow what happens no one knows. Anyone can leave you, leave this world anytime any moment. I don't really know that whether i am gonna be waking up tomorrow or whether my parents, my brother, my grandfather is gonna be alive tomorrow. You never know. Death is cruel and inevitable. You can never underestimate death, it can come to anyone and any time.
So just i want to tell you that each and every day just grateful for being alive, grateful for you family, for your friends, for everything and everyone around you, you never know what is gonna happen and mind my words girl Being alive is a privilege.

So just i want to tell you that each and every day just grateful for being alive, grateful for you family, for your friends, for everything and everyone around you, you never know what is gonna happen and mind my words girl Being alive is a privilege

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