Chapter 2

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It was finally 8:55 and me and Hayes walked to our first class. We both took geometry for our first class. I sat in the front and Hayes sat two seats beside me. Me and Hayes have been friends since we were born basically. He has always been there for me and he has always been in all my classes. As the teacher was giving us our assignment the principal knocked on our classroom door. There was 2 new students in our class. The girls name was Summer Johnson and the boys name was Jack Johnson. Summer was in our geometry class but Jack was in Alegbra 2 first. After Summer took her seat the teacher gave her a book and made us all introduce ourselves. She gave us the assignment and told us to do it for homework. Hayes looked over at me and asked,"Do you wanna come over after school and hang out and do the homework?" I've always liked Hayes but it's been a secret crush so I haven't told anyone. He's my bestfriend after all. I simply replied with,"I would love too!" He got a big smile on his face and said,"Okay meet up with me after Chemistry." I said alright and went to my locker. I typed in my locker combination and was putting up my books from geometry and getting my Social Studies books out. I also had to get my Science book. We had 5 minute breaks between each class so I really only needed my Social Studies book. Usually between SS and Science me and Hayes went to the coffee shop in the lunchroom and got frappe's really quick. We were aloud to drink them in class as long as we threw away our cups. As I walked into SS I saw a new person sitting in the seat beside me. On the other side of me was Hayes but there was a new student beside me. I walked over to his seat and said,"Hey I'm Bambi." He looked up at me and smiled and said,"Hello I'm Jack, I just moved here from Tennesee." Wow! He was really cute. He seemed really sweet too. After class he asked me,"Do you want to go to the coffee shop with me and get something to drink or eat during lunch?" I said,"Yeah I would love too." Wait was it a date? Omg I just agreed to go to the coffee shop with a random new student. I ran over to Hayes and he told me he was gonna go get a coffee with Summer and asked if we could get one after school. I said,"Oh....That's fine I guess." He said,"I am so sorry. She's really cute and I want to get to know her. Are we still going to do the homework together at my house tonight?" I told him,"It's fine and yes we are... If you want to." He said,"Of course!! But I gotta to go meet Summer I'm so sorry."

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