Forward/ A/N

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Hey everyone! So, I have a small confession about this story: this is just one way it could have gone. I actually went through several versions of the story in my head before finding the version I was satisfied with. I'm just making this because I figured it'd be fun. So I want to go through the scrapped ideas, why I scrapped them, and then we can begin!

So the first one... I'll call it the "eons removed from the timeline" plot. Basically, the worlds are made aware of each other, order doesn't matter anymore, Keyblade wielders surge and then are mostly wiped out from a great war leading to the present with the Ghost crew. The biggest problem I had with it was it's way too much like Star Wars. Thus it was shelved, and I'm now hoping Nomura doesn't decide to do this after Phase 2 of Kingdom Hearts wraps up.

The second I'll call "and they were here all along!" The overarching story would be about the Ghost crew trying to find three other wielders (Obi-wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka) who disappeared before the events of Birth by Sleep. The biggest problem here was it was too similar to BBS. So, it was tossed into a garbage chute to be devoured by a dianoga.

Third was a story treatment I'll call "Organization VII." Basically at some point in the story, one of the characters would either a) spawn a Nobody or b) discover that at some point in time he spawned a Nobody. Said Nobody ends up being part of a new group of Darkness known as Organization VII. You can probably see the problems. It's far, far too similar to the plot of Kingdom Hearts 2. As such, it was shot and thrown out the airlock.

As for the version I ended up choosing, it'll go by the "Harbinger of Darkness" plot. How does it go?

Official start coming soon. Stay tuned.

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