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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

𝚠𝚎'𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚜.
𝚠𝚎'𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚜, 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍.

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

"BING BANG boom!" You drop the files and pictures you gathered about Harold Jenkins onto Dean's desk. "Witness found. You can thank me later," you cheekily say. Grinning towards Dean, who just shakes his head.

He picks up the folder, examining the contents. You see his brows raise, as he says, "Dude was eating a McDonald's burger in his car for 2 whole hours? Tough shit."

You pick up one of the pictures Dean looked at. Arching an eyebrow, "How do you know it's from McDonald's?"

"Because, a man that looks like that must have gotten it from McDonald's. It's just straight facts."

Dean did have a good point.

Harold was a sad looking guy. You almost felt bad for him. Almost.

"Read more into the file. Apparently, Mr. Harold here, murdered his dad," You hear Dean suck in a harsh breath. "At 12, no less."

"Yikes," Dean starts to type everything down onto his desktop. "Anything else, I need to know?"

Humming in acknowledgment, you rely. "Changed his name, goes by Leonard Peabody."

As Dean types the information down, he chuckles. "How snazzy."

You huff out a laugh, glancing towards the notes Dean's taking. Commenting, "I could just send you my notes."

"I know." Dean still continues to type. For a few seconds, the sound of the keyboard was the only thing heard.

Your eyebrows scrunch up. The noise you make in confusion causes Dean to roll his eyes. "Then," you drag out the last syllable, "why are you still typing?" Your head tilted, smiling up at the tired detective.

Dean sighs. "Chief Scott expects me to do my own report." He tosses you a knowing look, "Not copy off you, like we're still in high school."

Playfully scoffing, your hands are moving to cross over your chest. "I'll have you know, that I did nothing of the sort in high school." You point to your head, "This brain did all their essays by them self. Thank you very much."

Shaking his head, Dean laughs lightly. "Alright, nerd," he jokes, "I'll call you, once I'm done with this report. You got the address of this guy, right?"

"Of course. What do I look like to you? An amateur?" You hear Dean's snort at your comment, as you walk away. Grin present on your face, when you make your way back to your lab.

Opening the door, you're shocked to see a familiar face.

"Five? What'cha doing there?" You ask, a confused smile present on your features.

He had a box in his hands, along with two more boxes placed on your table. Five looked to be putting files away. You watched as he froze, turning to you with an awkward smile.

The boy was left nervously biting his lip, wondering what he should say.

You weren't really focused on him though, but the files he was putting in the boxes. And coincidentally, the files you had on your desk were gone. Moving to the box on the far right, you shuffle through some of the files. Not finding the right one, you move to the box on the left.

Five's stuttering voice rings in your ears. "I'm sorry." His voice was shaky and quiet. "Did I take the wrong file by accident? Really, I didn't mean to. Fuck, this is all my fault. Officer Reed said that he needed the Sanchez file and I couldn't find it in the storage room. So, I assumed you had it and-" Five rambles.

Turning to him, you wave him off. Giving him a smile, "It's okay. You didn't mean to, I understand."

"But, (Y/N)-"

Your smile never falters, when you address him again. "Five, you just misplaced it. Not like you threw it away. Plus, the file's saved on my laptop. The physical copy I need to give to Officer Reed." You assured him.

The softness of your voice seemed to have calmed him down. Five takes a deep breath, sighing. "Still, can I say sorry by treating you to lunch?"

That's sweet, you think. He doesn't have to.

"You don't have to, Five."

"I want to."

Damn, okay.

The determination in his voice makes your heart flutter. A grin present on your face, "Okay, sure. You can take me, whenever you're free."

Five doesn't miss a beat. Answering quickly with, "I'm free right now."

Tilting your head, the grin frowning just a bit. "You sure? I thought-"

"Officer Reed wanted me to get him a cup of coffee too. So, it's fine." Five shrugs. He opens the lab door for you, doing a small bow. "After you."

You chuckle. "Thanks, Five."

As he closes the door, Five spares a glance towards the USB drive, he planted onto your desktop computer. It was at 90% before you walked in. The light flashes blue to a quick green, signaling that the download was done.

Turning his head towards you, he gives you a half smile. "Hang on, I forgot my phone." His head moves, gesturing towards your lab.

Nodding, you wait for him by the entrance. Idly scrolling through your phone.

Getting into the lab, Five does a quick check on you through the windows. You were still staring at your phone. He grabs the USB, shoving it into his pocket. Then, walking out of the lab.

"Hey," Five softly says. You turn to look up at him, putting your phone back into your jean pocket. "So, I know this cool coffee shop nearby. I usually go there for coffee trips."

The two of you walk out of the police department, Five leading the way.

A grin on your face, as you raise a brow. "Is it better than Griddy's?"

Five scoffs, "It's better than Griddy's coffee for sure."

You lightly jab him in his side.

Chuckling, Five rubs at the stop you hit him. "It's true and you know it."

"Maybe, that's just cause the only coffee you order is black." You tease. "Where ever you go, all coffee is gonna taste bad, if your ordering any of that bitter stuff."

The grin on your face only widening, at Five's reply. "You just don't have a strong enough palate. It's ruined by all those sweets you eat at Griddy's."

"Oh, yeah?" Your teasing tone only growing more at Five's remarks. "And what? You think you can cleanse my palate enough to be like yours?"

Five opens his mouth to answer, when your ringtone starts to go off.

Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you check the caller ID. Looking back at Five, you see him already staring at you.

"It's Dean."


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