08.┊𝚆𝙰𝙻𝙺 𝙷𝙾𝙼𝙴 ༉‧₊˚✧

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗.
𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍.

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

THE STREET lights reflected against the sidewalk pavement, white-yellow rays bouncing off the dark red bricks of the buildings you passed by. A very few cars passed by, zooming into the night. It was well off 10:30 pm. During nighttime, in a city like yours, it would usually still be bustling with life. But, since the recent reports of missing people and the Umbrella Academy being rumored to be around this area, it was right to assume people knew to stay off the streets at night.

Since, the Umbrella Academy had been around for so long and had caused many incidents with the local police department, the news had spread this information around like wildfire. Everyone in town knew about the infamous group. They acted as a ghost story, no one had ever seen them per say, but everyone knew the destruction they left in their wake.

Normally, you would have no problem walking home alone. You knew how to take care of yourself, carried pepper spray wherever you went. Though, you did appreciated Five for keeping you company. Nothing like being safer than sorry.

The walk to your apartment was 10 to 15 minutes. Not wanting to walk in complete awkward silence, you took this time to peer into Five's personal life. Well, as much as he'd be comfortable to tell you.

Before you could open your mouth to inquire, Five surprises you with his own question. "Do you usually walk home?"

"Not really. I have Dean drop me off, but since he's been working night shifts, I take the bus. Today, since the visit to question a suspect ran later than usual, I missed the bus." You turn your head to face Five, flashing him a sweet smile. "I'm thankful you offered to walk me home, Five. Really, I appreciate it."

Five shrugs, "It's no problem. Who knows how many creeps lurk around at night."

It's the way Five eerily says his last sentence, that gives you goosebumps and leaving you uneasy. The same feeling arises, just like the moment at the police station. When he asked:

"Who knows what could happen to you?"

You lightly laugh in response, thinking it's just his weird humor. Your laugh, however, leaves Five staring curiously at you. Something that your brain chose to ignore, rather than to acknowledge.

Picking back up the flow of the conversation, you ask a slightly personal question. "So, what were you doing before you interned into the department? If you don't mind me asking that is."

From his gaze on you, Five's eyes glance towards the ground. It was cute, you thought. In a strange way, the action reminded you of a shy little kid.

"Oh, nothing too important. I stayed with family most of the time, therefore I got stuck helping my siblings out with whatever they needed assistance on."

In Five's defense, what he told you wasn't a complete lie. Just not the whole truth. Who were you to try and get him to open up, anyways? Not like he would be outright from the very start, even under the guise of a nervous intern, Five wasn't going to spill his whole life story to you.

You knew that.

You're a forensic scientist for a reason. You may not be a detective, like Dean. Not as sharp, well-planned, or logical. But where Dean lacked in emotional connection, you made up for.

It wouldn't make sense to compare Dean and you side-by-side. The two of you had different sets of skills, ones that would work better together than against. Yes, you weren't at the same detective level as Dean was, however it didn't rule you out to becoming one if you wanted to.

Your knack for connecting with people through their feelings, could easily make you an excellent detective. Questioning suspects and digging out the whole truth from witnesses would be a breeze. You'd be great at manipulation.

Five noticed this about you. Watched from afar, saw how everyone in the department didn't have a single problem with you. Was it your cheery smile or the way you carried yourself? Chief Scott seemed like he'd let you get away with anything. From a couple report incidents Five read, the police chief has.

And Five didn't like that. Not one bit.

Most likely, due to the reason, Five too was strained in the emotional aspect of life. He didn't know how to communicate the way his heart felt. How was he supposed to, when's he's built walls and closed off that part of him years ago? That was a weakness in Five.

It was one you could exploit and use against him, all without him even acknowledging.

"I didn't know you had siblings! How many do you have?"

There you go again, prying yourself into Five's life. Looking at you, he wanted to scoff at how your eyes glimmered even in the poorly lit street. How your smile seemed to radiate.

It was disgusting.

Five answered your question, keeping up his fake persona. "A handful, there are six of us. We're all adopted."

"Mhm," you were glad Five was comfortable enough to tell you these things. It means he was opening up to you. "Are you the oldest or youngest? Maybe the middle child?"

Chuckling, he scratches the back of his neck. You note that he did the same thing, when bumping into you for the first time. Could it be a habit of his?

"The youngest, actually." Five's eyes are away from you again. Finding an interesting spot on the cement sidewalk underneath his feet. "It gets annoying quick. My oldest brother, well he acts like he's the oldest, pesters me all the time."

You've heard that statement many times before. Back when Dean would vent out the problems he'd deal with his parents and you'd say the same thing. Just because you had nothing else to say. This situation with Five wasn't any different. "Well, you know how siblings are. They only do it, because they love you."

"Love. Yeah, sure."

The reply you receive from Five isn't one you'd thought he'd give. With Dean, you'd listen to his problems and comfort him the best you could. Offer the best advice you could think of. But Five wasn't Dean, you should have guessed it wouldn't be the same. A different person, a different reaction.

Five wasn't your friend. You barely knew the guy, yet something inside you wanted to comfort him. Hug him and tell him, it was alright.

But, you can't.

So, you let the conversation die off there.

Luck happened to be on your side apparently, because your apartment appears into view. Turning to Five, you wave him goodbye, as you fish your keys out of your pocket. Thanking him for walking you home and telling him you'll see him tomorrow.

Five returns the wave, saying his own goodbye in return. Once, you close the door of your apartment building, Five's left alone in the night.

It's quiet.

Just Five and his thoughts.

Until there was a sudden voice speaking from the alleyway he happened to walk passed. Five noted that they must have watched him walk you home. A shadowed figure appears from the dark, face hidden and blurred.

"Long time no see. Huh, Five?"


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