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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚓𝚞𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚏𝚏
𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛,
𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚓𝚞𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚊𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

"SHUT UP, Klaus." A exaggerated sigh left Five's lips. Head already shaking in disappointment, even before his brother stepped out of the shadows.

Said brother was leaning against the brick wall of the alleyway. Signature bright pink feathered boa, that almost seemed to be glowing in the dark. He was spinning one of the ends around, a couple pink feathers falling towards the cement ground. "Luther told me to get you. He wanted to have a good ole' family meeting about your first day at work."

Five grumbled, their family meetings always ended in verbal fighting or somebody getting punched in the face. Usually Luther would be the one having to apply an ice pack to his black eye. Mostly Diego throwing the punches, Klaus watched for the drama. Everyone remembers Vanya's incident. Luther nearly passed out from the force and the house almost lost a good chandelier.

Picking a stray strand from his shirt, Five addressed Klaus, not bothering to glance his way. "I don't need you, of all people, to come get me. I'm not a child."

His answer gets giggles in return, resulting in a harsh glare aimed at him.

"Oh, you may not be a kid. But, you still look younger than me. Ah, the backlash of using your powers too much." Klaus crosses an arm over his chest, that arm supporting his other, which was tapping a finger at his jaw. He pretends to be deep in thought, as he hums and turns his head left. "Remind me again, wasn't it Dad, who said you weren't ready for your full potential? Now, in result of defying him, you're stuck in this younger body. Must be really tough." Klaus finishes his taunts with a fake cheery smile.

Instead of falling for Klaus' obvious ruse to rile him up, Five just scoffs. "You're one to talk. We all had fucked up childhoods, at least I'm handling the backlash better than you."

Klaus laughs, not one that's airy and lighthearted either. It's dry and sarcastic. "At least, I'm getting some!" To add to his statement, Klaus makes the 'okay' sign with his right hand, pressing his tongue into the 'o' his fingers created. If that wasn't enough, Klaus moves his hand forward and back.

Grimacing at the crude display, Five was about to spatial jump to the mansion, leaving Klaus to walk back by himself, but he's stopped when his brother throws up in a nearby dumpster. "Oh god, Klaus, are you drunk right now?"

As much as Five wanted to leave Klaus where he was, especially not wanting to deal with throw-up, Five knew he'd regret it later. Though, he's killed multiple people throughout his lifetime, still is killing, he does it for his family. Watching as Klaus pukes his guts out and laughing at what he sees, Five silently wishes he didn't care about his family as much as he did.

Klaus giggles, mumbling, "Had to prepare for this shithole of a family meeting somehow."

Shaking his head, he goes to support his brother. Wrapping one of Klaus' arms around his neck, as he holds onto his side. "Jesus, did you drink all night?" Five's words were spit out with malice and annoyance. More annoyed, than angry. He expects this type of behavior from Klaus, doesn't mean he isn't worried about his brother.

Besides, Klaus was there for him, when each one of his siblings turned their backs on him.

Five shrugs off that old memory. It was in the past. He shouldn't be hung up on it anymore. Their Dad's been dead for 3 years now. Still, the haunting memory of all that blood and his siblings frightened faces.


They moved on from that. Five should too.

Klaus' warm hand slapping the side of his face, brings Five back from his thoughts. Looking towards the mess, he called his brother, Five saw just how fucked up Klaus was. Small puke chunks still clung to his chin, face pale and sweaty, along with his clothes being wrinkled and dirty. "Hey, can we get McDonalds? I think I need some after throwing up."

"Whatever gets you to sober up the quickest." Walking out of the alleyway, Five drags Klaus along. There was no way in spatial jumping the both of them, without ending up covered with Klaus' vomit. His brother was always dizzy afterwards, being drunk would only make the feeling worse.

The two of them walked to the nearest McDonalds in silence. Klaus leaning all his weight on top of Five, who didn't seem to mind the extra weight.

Once a bright yellow and red 24-hour open sign appeared in view, Five basically threw Klaus down on the sidewalk curve. There his brother laid, slumping as he sat on the cement ground, twirling around the pink feathered boa. Klaus looked like a bored child, sighing every once in awhile and mindlessly looking around for things to entertain him.

Five had given up at this point, accepting that he'd always have to be the more mature one between him and Klaus. "What do you want?"

At the question, Klaus perks up, "A Happy Meal."

"Okay," With that Five spatial jumps into the back of the McDonalds kitchen. There wasn't much staff. One was sleeping, as the other was absorbed on their phone. It wasn't that surprising since it was around twelve and one in the morning. Grabbing what he needed, Five quickly left. Coming back outside to drop all the food onto Klaus' lap, which he immediately dug into.

Five's left sitting besides his brother, waiting for him to finish. Seeing as there's some time to pass, Five asks a question that's been swirling in his mind. "Klaus, what would you do, if we had normal lives?"

Hearing such an query from Five is rare. It's his way of being vulnerable.

Cleaning his fingers of ketchup and swallowing down what he had in his mouth, Klaus dusts the crumbs on his pant legs. "Well, we're all messed up, that's for sure. Each of us has there own problems. We've all killed people, even lost one of our own along the way. Even, if we did have normal lives, we'd still be fucked-up, one way or another." Klaus picks his mood up, "But, fuck all that, I'd want to live a happy life with Dave. Maybe, when all this is over, we might have that happy ending."

Mumbling to himself, Five repeats Klaus' words. It's quiet enough that Klaus doesn't pick up on it. "When all this is over, huh?" That's hard to believe, much less dream about. They're in such deep shit, it'll be difficult to pull themselves out. After all, they were born into the world of violence and death.


The yell from Klaus, puts Five on guard and strays him from his previous thought process. He straightens up, turning around to see what was happening.

"I already have this toy. Can you get me another one, Five?"


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