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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚎?

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

FORENSICS GATHERED all the evidence that they could. Police on the outside of the house, urged neighbors to stay clear of Jenkins' home, blocking the surrounding areas.

While Dean was left to question and talk with the residents of the neighborhood, you brought it upon yourself to exchange notes with the other forensic scientists. One of the fellow staff, who was relatively new around the precinct, shared the work they collected with you.

"The knives are getting tested for any DNA left on them, along with whatever we can find around the body. From what I gathered, it's a bloody scene, but not much evidence left of the perpetrator." You hear them click their tongue, once they finish reciting what they wrote down on their notepad. Fiddling with a pen, as the constant tapping of the tip against paperback was perceived.

You watch the young employee eye Jenkins' lifeless body, looking carefully as it gets photographed by forensic staff. Without a doubt, you knew millions of things must be running through their mind. Soon getting distracted by the same scene, you didn't catch the question they asked you.

"-Know about the victim?"

Shaking your head to focus on what was asked, you turn to face them. "What?"

They repeat the question, "What did you know about the victim? You and Detective Holmes were supposed to question this guy right? Maybe this is linked to the murder you guys were going to question him about."

"Mhm," they did have a point. "It would be a wild coincidence. I'll have to look into Mr. Jenkins some more and revisit the Sanchez case to see if these two are connected. Other than that, if you think about anything else, just pop into my lab."


Nodding, you lightly bump shoulders with them. "Yeah, I need another person's point of view other than Dean's coffee drunk self."

From your joke, they giggle lightly. Shoulders hunched and hand over their mouth, trying to hide their laugh. It would be pretty rude to be laughing at a crime scene.

Once, they calm down, you see them smiling at you. Before they could say something however, Dean's yell of your name interrupts. Turning towards the detective, you see him by the door frame, gesturing you over. A clear sign that means, "Hurry the fuck up! I gotta show your ass something!"

Quickly, you excuse yourself from the conversation, motioning to the detective behind you, who was loudly calling your name.

"Dean, what's up?"

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