W. Cordova St.

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Kara's POV
As the Girl of Steel flew in the cold night she couldn't get the raven haired beauty out of her mind. The thought of her deep green eyes, the sound of her laugh & the way that she smiled would melt Kara's heart.
"I have to see her." Says Kara barely a whisper.
She sped faster than a speeding bullet straight to
L-Corp. Stopping right above the sign of W. Cordova St.
She could see that her office light was still on. Her mind was racing at the thought of Lena. Thinking of how she could tell the beautiful women her secret..Could she?? How would she react??
In an instant her mind flashes back to when Supergirl was at the Fortress of Solitude with Lillian Luthor.
"I'm curious about something. You know my real identity. But you never told Lena. Why is that?"Asked Supergirl.
"Eventually, she'll find out on her own. Find out that you've been lying to her all this time. And when she does? She'll hate you for it." Lillian answers.
'I just have to Hope that she'll forgive me.' Supergirl thought to herself.
As Supergirl slowly flies over to Lena's balcony she makes a soft landing. The women sitting hunched over her desk is so focused on her spread sheets she is unaware of her presence.
"Miss Luthor?" Says Supergirl.
Lena jumps slightly. As Lena turns the fear fades as her hero & idol is standing there with her Supergirl pose.
"I'm sorry, Miss Luthor. I didn't mean to startle you." Supergirl quickly says.
"Supergirl, hello. I'm the one due for an apology. I was so invested in this new development in the R&D, that I didn't see you there." Says Lena
"I can come back if you're too busy?" Pointing a thumb towards her right shoulder Supergirl was already one foot out the door. Kara can already feel the heat rising from the back of her neck to her cheeks. 'Damn those eyes.' How can anyone really focus when she looks at them.
"No, no. Not at all. Is everything alright? My family isn't trying to assassinate me again are they?" Says Lena with a bit of humor in her voice.
'There she goes giving me that smirk & the raised eyebrow.' Kara thought.
"No, I just wanted a moment of your time. If that's alright?" Says Supergirl.
"Of course. I'm in need of a break. Let's go outside, it's such a lovely night." Lena replies. Kara leans over the balcony with Lena standing only a foot away from her. Kara's heart starts hammering against her chest. In an attempt to calm herself she gazes out to her beloved city with a full & bright moon hanging just above. As she turns to look at Lena her heart skips a beat. Her ivory skin was gorgeous under the brightly lit moon. Her tight green dress showing off all the right curves in the women's figure. Her hair straight dark black falling just below her shoulders.
When Lena looks up at the hero, Kara loses all confidence. Tears threaten to fall.
"Supergirl? What is it?" Asks Lena
Kara looks back out to her city not able to look at the Luthor. The women she loves...
After a moment of silence. Lena places a gentle hand on Supergirl. "Supergirl, I'm worried. Talk to me."Says Lena
"I..I..I'm scared Lena." Says Supergirl her voice cracking. Deeply swallowing Kara starts again.
"I'm scared. I never wanted to hurt you. I need you to believe me. If you had a secret & you knew that secret could potentially hurt the ones you loved. Would you still tell them?." Says Supergirl
"Yes, because I grew up on secrets & lies. Almost, everyone I've ever known has betrayed me at some point in my life. Well everyone besides Kara Danvers." Lena Answers
Tears start to fall down the cheeks of the girl of steel.
" I've lost everything when I was just 13. Krypton was destroyed & everyone I knew was gone. My mother, my father, & my home. And then shortly after I spent 24 years in the phantom zone. Completely isolated. Everything was just gone & I was left with emptiness & silence. I didn't think I was going to come out of there. I still have nightmares of it all." Says Supergirl

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