Luthor's Childrens Hospital

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"I'm so sorry. I know your world was destroyed but I guess I never fully grasped all that you've lost." Says Lena still looking at Supergirl.
As Kara wipes the tears from her eyes she takes a deep breath. " I protect the ones I love. With everything I have. I'd give up my life for them. Because I don't think I could bare losing someone else." Says Supergirl.
Looking down at Lena who had so much sadness in her eyes. 'Can I do this?..' she thought.
"I came her tonight to tell you who I am. But before I do that. I need you to fully understand why I made this choice & continued to keep my identity a secret. I'm fully aware that I may lose you but I can't keep lying to you. I didn't tell you sooner... well because you're a Luthor." Says Supergirl
And with that Lena removes her hand & looks away towards the city. Her posture quickly stiffening.
Kara reaches out to Lena cupping the Luthor's cheek turning her gently to look at the super again.
"You're a Luthor. Who your family is, is dangerous..
I didn't want them to hurt you over me. I'd never forgive myself for it." Says Supergirl
Distant sirens can be heard. & Supergirl pulls away.

Lena' POV
"I'm sorry. I have to go."Says Supergirl.
Before I could steady my racing heart & comprehend what was being said to me, the super was turning away. "Wait! Are you coming back?"Asks Lena.
As the super blasts into the sky, Lena stood there staring at the red streak flying fast over the city.
"What the hell just happened?"Says Lena
'Supergirl was about to tell me who she was & just flew off without another word.' Her thoughts turning back she wonders of all that was said. '& exactly why did Supergirl hold my face like that? Was she in love with me? I wonder who she is.'
Lena walks back into the office heading directly for the bar & pours a glass of scotch. Two fingers deep she takes a sip. Her phone begins to buzz & the Luthor answers.

Kara's POV
Soaring through the sky . I can still hear Lena ask if I was going back? 'Was I?' I quickly race to the sound of the sirens. Putting the thought in the back of my mind. When I finally reach the scene. Alex & Maggie are standing outside of the Luthor's Children's Hospital. "Alex. Maggie what's the situation?" Says Supergirl.
"Supergirl, we had an anonymous phone call come in. There's a bomb in the basement of the building."Says Alex. "Were going to start evacuating the hospital." Continues Maggie.
Supergirl uses her X-ray vision zeroing in on the bomb. 2 minutes. "There's no time."Says Supergirl.
Supergirl flew straight into the hospital & into the basement. She see's the bomb placed directly below the main oxygen line. 'The entire hospital will explode if I let this go off!' She thought. She super speeds over to it. "Ok Alex, I see the bomb. It's 4 blocks of C-4. There's a bunch of different colored wires & a timer counting down."Says Supergirl.
"We're on our way." Says Alex. "You won't make it in time we have less than 2 minutes." Says Supergirl
"What colors are the wires & where are they located?"Alex asked. "They're red, white, yellow, green & blue! They are all connected to the timer & spreading to each block!" Says Supergirl. "Look for the yellow. It should be a single wire connected to the timer to the first block. Cut that one!" Alex answered. The timer suddenly went from 1 minute and 28 seconds to 30 seconds. "Alex it went down to 30 seconds!" Yelled Supergirl. Kara's heart was pounding in her ears, she couldn't hear what Alex said. Kara uses her freeze breath to solidify the bomb. She rips it from the wall & shot through the ceiling & into the sky. Throwing the C-4, with all of her strength into the air. The bomb explodes. 'I did it they're safe.'
Supergirl flew back down to Alex & Maggie.
"You did it kid!" Says Maggie. Her dimples showing with a huge smile. "I'm sorry Supergirl. I should've went with my instincts & said the the green wire." Says Alex. Stress riddling her face.
"It's ok Alex, the important thing is that everyone is safe." Says Supergirl.
A very worried looking Luthor runs towards them just a few moments later.

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