September 22nd

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Like clock work, Lena Luthor steps out of an all jet black Lexus LC. The city buzzing around her being late in the afternoon. She was dressed in a tight black dress that rose just above her knees with matching heels. A deep color red was painted beautifully across her lips. Her hair fell loose & curly, framing her ivory skin.
Carrying a single white rose. She walks toward the obelisk. Anyone who didn't know her could say the Luthor looked cold & hard, but in reality Lena was extremely exhausted, she barely slept anymore. She basically lived at L-Corp. The only time she ever left was when Jess would have a melt down about the Luthor needing rest.
Everyday though she would leave L-Corp for a couple of hours around 7pm to visit Kara Zor-El, she hadn't missed a single day in the past 3 months. Even though she would visit every day, the Luthor would just sit there with her hero silent, fearing that she would break if she said a word.
Her eyes slightly red, today was harder than the ones before. It was September 22nd, Kara's Earth Birthday.

Lena's POV
"Happy Birthday Love, I missed you a little bit more today...Alex, stopped by the office. I guess she was checking up on me, making sure I didn't fall to pieces. She says she's doing good, but that's a complete lie. Even when she laughs I can see the sadness in her, I think she's barely holding herself together. She became director of the DEO. Her & Maggie adopted a puppy, they named him Mrs. Rodriguez." Lena says pausing a moment. "Well if that didn't get you to come back to me, than I guess I'm going to have to keep working on the Cardinal project." Lena laughs while wiping tears from her eyes. Lena bends down to place the single white rose over the grave.
Sitting on her knees she continues "Winn & James have been running around the city fighting crime. James calls himself Guardian. I hope they don't get themselves killed. They barely told me a few days ago. I've already started a side project to help keep
them safe. John & Alex finally told Cat, that you were Supergirl. I was against it of course, I mean how can you tell the Queen of all media something that huge. I was so sure I was going to have to whip my lawyers on her, but she seemed really torn over it. Nonetheless, I believe your secrets safe with her."
With a heavy sigh, Lena says " I miss you so much, I miss your laugh, I dream of your smile. I'm so broken with out you. I need you please. I'll buy you every damn potsticker in the city just come back to me." Crying uncontrollably Lena places her face in her hands.
A hand was softly placed on the Luthor's shoulder. She looks up to see Alex standing there with a cupcake & a single candle.
"She's with us Lena. She'll never leave us." Alex said as she crouched down next to her. Alex lit the candle placing it below the rose.
"Happy Birthday Kara, I Love You." Said Alex with tears falling down her face.
"Happy Birthday Little Danvers." Said Maggie walking up to them. One by one every one of their loved ones showed. Some holding a box of potstickers others holding flowers.
Lena slowly stood finally collecting herself she whispered "I Love You, Kara Zor-El."

Alex's POV
A few weeks later at the DEO.
"Winn, what do we have?" Asked Alex. "This alien or meta, I'm not sure. I ran facial recognition & nothing pops up so whatever he is, he's not from around here." Said Winn. "What are his powers? What can he do?" Asked Alex.
"Well he's just been draining all the power approximately within a 3 block radius. Even back-up generators are failing." Winn responded.
"If he gets too close to the hospitals it'll be really bad. I'm organizing a strike team. Where is he?" Asked Alex. "I'll send you the coordinates right now...Umm.. Alex?" Said Winn looking at Alex with worry "He seems to be heading in the direction of L-Corp."

Lena's POV
Back at L-Corp, Lena Luthor was in her lab. There were a few desks set up all around her cluttered with papers & a few monitors. To her left stood 4 high beams that reached towards the ceiling. It was incased by a thick glass with a metal ring on top & bottom of it with long thick wires connecting to each one.
A slight hum could be heard coming from the beam. In front of Lean was about 10ft ring. Cables snaked tightly around the ring and to the left of it, it ran on the concrete floor connecting it to the beams.
Lena is typing away on the computer her mind flashes back to a certain speedster.
" Hello Barry, I'm Lena Luthor. I run L-Corp here in National City." Said Lena.
"Oh hello, your Kara's friend right?" Asked Barry.
" I was.. I'm also a scientist & I was wondering, how did you travel back in time? Is it just your speed?" Asked Lena.
"Actually, I use my speed to change the vibrations in my body allowing me to run back in time. But I avoid it all costs it's way to dangerous to travel back and alter the time line. I've learned that the hard way." Said Barry.

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