False Gods

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Lena's POV
'Lex is free. He's coming for me. Let me make it easier for him..' There was a knock on her balcony.
'Well that can be only one person.' I wave her in.
"Lena, Are you okay?" Says Supergirl.
"Am I okay? My mass murderous brother has broken out of a maximum security prison. Possibly rigged a bomb in my hospital!.." Lena's voice cracked with rage & sadness. Tears about to fall, the women slowly shook her head & brought the glass back to her lips. "I'm a Luthor, I'll never be okay." Said Lena.
"We'll catch Lex, he'll be behind bars soon. I promise you I won't let him hurt you." Said Supergirl.
'How is she always so optimistic?'
"Not even Supergirl can save everyone." Says Lena. The Super speeds right over to Lena. Standing just a few inches from her. " No you're right. I can't save everyone but Lena I will save you."
'I will save you?' A single tear falls down. The Super reaches up & with the pad of her thumb she slowly wipes it away. Holding the Luthor's face she continues "I care about you, more than you know." Says Supergirl. "If you cared about me you wouldn't be lying to me." Said Lena.
Supergirl takes a step back. Not being able to look the Luthor she turns. "You're right again. I've lied to you for too long." Said Supergirl.
Suddenly the lights shut off in the apartment & two men dressed in all black busted down the Luthor's door. They both had military grade guns with Kryptonite bullets. One of them threw a grenade into the air. Supergirl catches it, it exploded releasing Kryptonite shards into her hand & body.
The Super falls to her knees on the verge of blacking out. "Supergirl!" Lena yells. Before she could reach the Super, the other man runs towards Lena putting a damped cloth over her nose & mouth. The man throws the knocked out Luthor over his shoulder & begins to walk out.

"Leave her alone." Supergirl cries. The man who threw the grenade strides across the room. Standing above her, he raises his rifle & struck the Super on her temple.
Blacked out, Lena & the Super were taken from the apartment. A couple of hours later Kara came too. The floor was cold & hard. The building was large with high ceilings. Crates of weapons filled the room. She tried sitting up but quickly fell again, she could feel the Kryptonite lined shackles & collar around her neck that connected to the floor.
Her head pounded with a splitting headache, blood dripping onto the side of her face. She slowly rises sitting on her knees. Gathering her surroundings she uses her X-ray vision to scan the building.
"Of course the walls are lined with lead." Said Supergirl.
"Ahh I see that you finally woken up Supergirl!"
Supergirl followed the voice & out of the shadows step forth Lex Luthor. An evilish grin was planted on Lex. The man stood there with his arms crossed in all black suit.
"What have you done with Lena?!" Said Supergirl with fury.
"My sister is safe from you." Said Lex.
The two men that broke into the apartment bring over a dazed out Lena. "There she is. Hello my darling sister." Said Lex.
"Lex why are you doing this?" Asked Lena.
"Well isn't it obvious? I'm trying to save you & this world from these abominations. These False Gods. I was trying to get you alone but someone had to go & save the day." Said Lex.
"The bombing was you wasn't it?" Said Lena
"Yes, I needed a distraction. My intentions were for the bomb to go off & it would've kept the Girl of Steel hands so full she would've forgotten about you. Really, it is hard trying to get you alone with her always being by your side." Said Lex.
"You're a monster." Said Lena.
Lex walks over to the Super with a hand gun loaded with Kryptonite. He first shoots her in the leg causing the Super to scream & hunch over.
"Stop Lex!" Yelled Lena.
"Why should I? Lena please don't you understand the jokes on you. It's always been on you. Your friends have been lying to you from the start.
Your boyfriend Jimmy, Alex, J'onn. Even your own mother. They've mocked you, humiliated you, betrayed you. Every last one. Denial's a very powerful thing, isn't it? It's been standing right in front of you all this time. & you chose not to see it. Kara Danvers is Supergirl!" Said Lex.
Kara cold see the hurt & betrayal in Lena's face. "Lena, I'm so sorry." Said Kara.
Lex points the gun to the Supers chest & pulls the trigger. "NO!" Lena screamed. She runs over to Kara scooping the women slightly up into her arms. Her hands frantically scrambling over her chest trying to keep her from bleeding out. "Kara stay with me. Don't leave me please. Please hold on. Please." Cried Lena. With blood coughing up, she raised a shackled hand cupping Lena's face "Lena..I..I..lo..love.y-you." Said Kara. Her hand falls. The Super falls limp in Lena's arms. The light in sky blue eyes are no longer there.
The DEO comes storming in. Lex & his men were taken down immediately. Yells & commands could be heard in the distance but all Lena could do was sob uncontrollably.
Alex runs over screaming & crying "Supergirl, No. No. You're okay Kara. Kara!" Blood pouring out of the Supers chest Alex attempts to put pressure but there was nothing she could do. She was gone.

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