Who Is Alex?

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Kara walks into Lena's room and shut the door. She starts to undress and enters a shower, she closed her eyes and another flash races through her mind. She remembers sitting on the roof with a brunette girl. They were staring at the stars
"That's the Big Dipper right over there. Can you say Big Dipper?"
The blond little girl looks up "Big Di-per!"
The older girl chuckles "Thats really good Kara. It belongs to the Ursa Major. They are beautiful aren't they?" The little blonde girl agrees with the nod of her head. She whispered "Ur-sa May-jer."
Kara turns the shower off & quickly changes into the clothes that Lena gave her. When she was about to put the hoodie on she saw a baseball t-shirt in the closet. Another flash of memories flooded her mind "You've got this one, Kara!" The women with red hair yelled. Standing to the far left of her, with a smaller brunette women. "I will, Alex!" She yelled back laughing. They we're standing in a baseball field. Kara was standing in the outer right field & just before first base, she could see others standing in other positions of the field. The next batter was Lena. She stood there with the bat raised & a smirk on her face waiting for the ball to come. She was the shirt Kara had just seen. Alex stood ready, the other women beside her said "Ah shit.. we all know she won't catch this one." "She will. I bet you 20 bucks." "You're on Danvers." The pitcher who was a dark, tall & muscular man threw the ball. It connects & heads straight for Kara. The blonde stumbles falling over while trying to catch it. "Easy money, pay up Danvers." The women said with her dimples showing on a wide smile. "How did you know she wasn't going to catch it?" Alex said with a shocked expression. "C'mon Alex its Lena. She'd do anything for her." While laughing. Kara could hear their conversations & her cheeks flushed while scrambling to pick up the ball. She turns & throws the ball to home base but it was too late.
A knock at the door pulls Kara out of her memories, she puts the T-shirt on & super speeds across the room yanking the door nearly off it's hinges. Lena stands quickly with both hands raised "It's ok. It's just the delivery boy." Kara reluctantly relaxes but is still in defensive position as she watched Lena answer the door. When she finally sent the boy away & set the food on the table, Kara walked over.
"Go ahead, I got it all for you." Lena said opening the first box of pizza. There were three boxes of pizza and six carts of potstickers. She got a slice and sucked it up. Lena's phone beeps so she decided to step out to the balcony. Kara watched as Lena stepped outside, wondering if she should follow. She returned a few moments later but within less than two minutes every thing was devoured by the kryptonian, besides a slice & a handful of potstickers. Lena was looking at her with full of shock. Kara could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. She let out a small burp & Lena bursted out laughing hysterically as Kara's face got redder. She sat there with a pout glued to her face.
"Oh c'mon darling don't pout." She said while still chuckling. Kara looked up at Lena with her puppy dog eyes & said "I saved you some."
Lena grabbed the last slice with her good hand & took a bite while Kara was still intensely staring at the potstickers. "Go ahead darling, take them they're for you." She said with a warm smile while sliding the cart over. Kara scooped the last of the potstickers into her mouth filling her cheeks up like a chipmunk. Once they finished eating Kara finally asked "What happened to me Lena?"
Lena began to explain everything that happened 3 months ago. "My brother Lex, he has this grudge against you & your cousin. The night everything happened, you were with me here." Lena looks over to her apartment remember everything like if it was yesterday. She didn't realize she was crying until Kara gently wipes away a tear from her cheek. Lena leaned into her warm hand. And continued when the super removed her hand "You came to see me, my brother took us from here & chained you in that warehouse. He shot you with a kryptonite gun... He killed you." Lena waited for a response but Kara had her eyes glued to her hands. 'What's a kryptonite gun? What have I done to make him want to kill me? Her thoughts were racing but one kept repeating itself. After a few moments she finally said "How am I here then? If I died?"
" I don't know Kara, but the important thing is you're here with us again." Lena replied reaching towards Kara to hold her hand. They looked into each other's eyes. "I won't ever let him hurt you again." Kara could tell this woman in front of her was telling her the truth.
A few moments went by when Lena stood to grab a glass of wine.
"Who is Alex?" Kara asked with her face held with confusion.
"Alex is your sister. She's been waiting to see you, I'm surprise she hasn't broken down my door yet." She said while smiling.
Another wave of flashes came back. Kara squeezed her eyes shut again. Bits & pieces coming back slowly. "Kara, are you ok?" Lena asked rushing over to Kara forgetting all about the sweet red liquid. She kneels down & places her good hand on Kara's knee.
"Yeah I'm just tired." She said squeezing her eyes shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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