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Lena's POV
"Supergirl, Agent Danvers, Detective! What happened? I got a call saying there's a bomb in my hospital." Says Lena. Alex is the first to respond with a warm & calming tone. "There was an anonymous tip that came in. Supergirl was able to extract the bomb before it detonated in the hospital." Says Alex.
"Was anyone injured?" Lena asks. "No." Replied Alex. "We're still evacuating the hospital until we can further assess the motive behind this. There's still no leads to who it can be." Maggie Says. "I fully agree with you, if there's anything you need from me you have my full cooperation. I'll also get my people down here to help move everyone out. If there's anything you need from me don't hesitate to ask." Lena responds.
I can see the Super shifting her weight from one leg to another in the corner of my eye. & I turn to face her. "Supergirl, thank you so much for saving everyone here." Says Lena.
Arms crossed with her eyes on the ground the Super looks up. There was no emotion to the Kryptonian's face. "No problem, Miss Luthor." Says Supergirl. Lena puts a hand on Supergirls upper arm and leans in a little closer. "May I speak to you in private?" Asks Lena.
"Of course." Supergirl says. The Luthor and Super walk a few feet from the others. "Supergirl, Are you alright? You seem unnerved." Says Lena with her head tilted to the side. "Y-Yes I'm fine. It was a close call. I'm just glad I was able to get here in time." Says Supergirl who is still looking at her feet. Lena moves a bit closer to her & she whispers "Everything's ok. You saved everyone." Lena Said.
"I know." Replied Supergirl with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
Lena starts to see the press pulling in. "Meet me back at my apartment if you wanna talk? I have to take care of the press. I'll see you there in 20?" Lena asked.
"I'll be there." Says Supergirl & with a slight nod the Girl of Steel turns & soars through the sky.
Lena approaches the press, collecting her thoughts & preparing herself for a speech.
"Miss Luthor! Miss Luthor! Can you make a comment about the bomb placed in your hospital?" Asked a reporter. "Yes, the bomb was removed from the hospital by Supergirl before it went off there were no casualties & minimum damage to the building." Lena answered.
"Miss Luthor! Do you have any idea as to who might want to blow the building." Asked another.
"I'm unaware of who might want to do this. As we speak the patient's are being evacuated to another facility to make sure the building is safe."Says Lena.
"Miss Luthor! Do you believe it to be Lex Luthor who recently escaped prison?" Another reporter asked. Lena's face fell in an instant. 'Lex escaped?'
"Sorry no further comments can be made." Lena said.

Kara's POV
Kara flies towards to the DEO landing with a hard thud. "Winn, Can you tell me anything about the bombing at the hospital?" Says Kara.
"We're looking at the security footage right now. We'll let you know more when we find something." Said Winn.
In one of the backs screens Kara see's a news add displaying "Lex Luthor Escapes!" "Ohh, that can't be a coincidence." Winn said.
"Lena." Kara whispers. Kara turns to leave the DEO when J'onn stops her. "Supergirl, you are best needed here." Said J'onn. "If Lex Luthor escaped he'll be going after Lena. I have to get to her first." Said Supergirl. & before anyone could stop her she was off into the midnight sky.
Supergirl arrives at Lena's apartment knocking lightly on her balcony door. Lena was sitting there at the bar drinking. Without looking up the Luthor waved her in. "Lena, Are you okay?" Asked Supergirl. Lena had a bottle of wine in front of her. She was dressed in yoga pants & a oversized sweatshirt. With her hair tied back Kara could tell she had been crying. The Super stood there waiting for a reply. She hated seeing Lena like this.. it would break her heart whenever the Luthor was in pain.

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