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Lena's POV
"Starting test run now." She spoke into a recorder.
At first nothing happened besides a few sparks, then suddenly the portal beamed a dark blue in the middle. Lena walks closer to it.
In the middle was a picture.. no more like a movie. It showed Clark & Kara walking into Lena's office for the first time. "I did it!" Says Lena as she took a step closer to the portal. 'I did it. I can go back & save her from Lex.' The portal changed to Lex standing over Supergirl who was now pointing a gun at her chest.
Then one of the monitors started beeping & the portal shut off. "No!" Yelled Lena. She furiously started typing into one of the computers looking for the source of the problem. "Not enough power."
Speaking into the recorder again "This AC and DC field pulses at precisely 7.853975 Hz. c.p.s. It is this frequency which enables the individual to travel through time when she steps through the portal. Another thing, once the portal becomes fully operational, who ever is in close range of the portal, that person's brain waves will also vibrate at the rate of 7.853975 Hz. c.p.s. When this happens, no matter what the person is thinking of, she will still be able to see images within the portal. This is because her mind is now adjusted to the time travel frequency. Therefore, it should become possible for the individual to control the time frame of the place she wishes to travel to. I just need to increase the power... I'm getting close." Said Lena.

Alex's POV
A few streets down from L-Corp there was much confusion. Cars, buildings, cellphones, & street lights were all drained of power. Alex could see a man standing in the middle of the street about 6ft tall. With light grey eye's & dark black hair. He wore an all black suit. The man seemed to be searching for something, as he started walking forward his body were sending out small sparks of electricity.
Alex followed by 10 DEO agents & Maggie with a squad of NCPD officers, they start running towards him. "Stop right there! Don't move!" Yelled Alex who was pointing her gun at him. The DEO & NCPD started to surround the man. Thin bolts of lightning started crashing around him.
"I felt an energy surge near by, you will give it to me." He said calmly with a grin on his face. He lifted his hand sending bolts of electricity at the tips towards the director. "Alex watch out!" Maggie yells tackling her to the ground. The DEO & NCPD start to open fire, but the bullets only bounce off of him.
The man turns his hand shooting off more bolts at the cars causing them to explode. Civilians are in a full blown panic as the run in the other direction.
"Everyone fall back!" Alex yells. Her & Maggie ran back to the DEO.
"Winn! Get me a line with Superman." Alex ordered. " Oh my god! Yes of course!" Said Winn almost jumping out of his seat with pure joy.
The man kept walking down the streets still searching for the source. Then he felt it. He zapped out in a bolt of lightning and into the Luthor's lab.

Lena's POV
Speaking into the recorder "Test run number 2, I have powered the portal to full capacity." Said Lena. A bolt of lightning shot just a few feet behind her causing the Luthor to yelp with a slight jump.
The Luthor spun around, she demanded his name
"Who are you?! What are you doing in my lab?!" She yelled.
"I am Azmiel & you have what I want." Azmiel said calmly as he sucks all the energy from the portal causing it to shut off once more .
"I need more, give it to me." Azmiel said taking a step forward to the Luthor. A loud crash as the ceiling came in so did Superman. "Maybe if you asked nicely, we could work something out?" Said Superman. A large bolt of lightning flys out of Azmiel's hand and towards Superman. The Super was barely able to dodge it.
"Didn't think so.." Superman super speeds towards Azmiel with full force causing them to burst through the building & into the street.
Lena starts to run to the exit, a few short moments later she was in the lobby watching Azmiel grab onto the Super. Grabbing him by the cape he throws the Super into the nearest building. Superman quickly rises only to be struck by another bolt of lightning. He slowly falls on his side unconscious.
Azmiel, spins around in search of Lena. He zapped over towards Lena grabbing on to her. "You're coming with me." Said Azmiel.
"Like hell I am!" Yelled Lena punching him in the face only to hear bones crack. They zapped away towards the center of National city. They were just a few feet from the obelisk. "SUPERMAN! HELP!" Screamed Lena.
Superman shot out of the sky punching Azmiel straight into the obelisk causing it to fall over & crack into pieces.
"RUN LENA!" Yelled Superman, but Luthor was now on the ground paralyzed by fear.

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