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Alex's POV
Back at the DEO agents were scrambling as they brought in the barely living Superman. "I want an update on him every 10 minutes" Alex ordered as the agents rushed him along side the doctors. Alex quickly pulls out her phone to text Lois 'You need to come to National city now.'
"Winn! Have you found her?!" Alex shouted.
" We had her going south but then we lost her."
'Where are you Kara' Alex thought.

Alex guides Lena to one of the rooms to take x-rays of Lena's hand.
"Well you've got some fractures but I don't think you'll need a cast." Alex said while looking at the screens. She looks up at Lena who hadn't said a word & was now intensely staring at the ground.
"We'll find her I promise... you know she loves you right? I can't count the times she has defended you. That night with Lex at the warehouse she told me she was going to tell you who she really was, she was so afraid of losing you. She was scared to tell you because she thought you would hate her for lying to you, but she couldn't keep it a secret anymore, she loved you so much. I know my little sister." Lena finally looked up at Alex. Both women were already silently crying. Alex took a deep breath & continued "I don't think I've ever seen her so clear in saying about how she felt for someone. I'm her big sister & I'm supposed to protect her, I would have given my life for her.. I can't believe there was a time I use to resent her for coming into my home for following me around at school. Some strange girl who didn't know how to fit in. For embarrassing me in front of my friends, but all Kara wanted was a family and that's what she is to me. She is my sister & when she died I was in denial." Alex crosses her arms tightly against her body. "Every morning I had to remind myself that she was gone... Every night before I fell asleep I could feel the weight of the world on my chest, this sadness that came to me from losing her. I spent most my days not being able to breathe." Her breath hitches but she still continues "I felt like I was drowning in sadness and I couldn't come up for air. I see her every night in my dreams and I wish it was just reality. I'd wake up & it would feel like my heart was being ripped out all over again." Alex breathes in again her body now slightly shaking & says even faster
"I felt like I was going to walk around the corner and there she would be, her goofy self lighting up the room with a huge smile & a mouth full of potstickers. I was supposed to save her and I didn't. I lied to myself for three months I was broken and shattered. I pushed her down about telling you the truth. I told her she couldn't trust you because you were a Luthor, God knows how I was wrong. Lena, I need you right now. She needs you right now. The bond you have is pure love save her please when I couldn't. Please please please."Alex begged while hysterically crying.

Lena's POV

"Alex you're hyper ventilating. Breathe Alex it's okay just breathe with me!" Lena quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and practiced slow breath's in and out. Alex mirrored her breaths and calmed down. Lena looked at softly with only concern.
[What Lena didn't know is that Alex had bottle up all these emotions & thoughts. She's never spoken on them out loud not even to Maggie.]
Before Lena could respond to what Alex had just said. She sees Alex place a hand to her ear to listen to the voice on the other side. "Winn tracked Kara, she's at Lex's warehouse." Alex turned and was almost out the door.
" Alex wait! Let me go alone Alex. If she still remembers us or is trying too.. maybe it's better if we don't ambush her." Lena waited for Alex to argue but the woman simply nodded.
"I'll get you a car. Please let me know when she is safe." The Luthor & Older Danvers walked into the control room chaos was all around them, agents scrambled everywhere.
Lena & Alex finally spotted Vasquez hunched over Winn's desk. They were watching a clip of Supergirl fighting Azmiel. "That's our girl!" Vasquez smiled proudly while she wiped away at her teared stained face. On the monitors in the background there was news articles with bold headlines.


"Vasquez I need a car for Lena asap."Alex ordered. Vasquez simply nodded her head.
Winn stood up immediately "Are we going to get her? Can I come? I want to see her too."
"No we will stay behind we have a city to protect. Lena will go & bring her home."
Out of the corner of Lena's eye she could see the young detective marching up to them.

"Alex, how is Superman? Did you find Kara?" Maggie asked looking as stressed as everyone felt. She flung her arms over  Alex in a tight hug.
"He's stable for now. I've already texted Lois, she should be on her way & we found her. Lena will go an get her." Lena waited for another argument but instead Maggie said
"Ok bring her back." With hopeful eyes.
Lena began to think 'How can they trust me so easily.. A Luthor, to bring someone so precious to them home..?'
Maggie saw the look on her face & instantly read her mind. "We trust you Lena. Kara trusted you & we know you love her so go & get her." Maggie said with a smile, her dimples in full blown effect.
"I will. I promise."
Vasquez had called over to them saying the car was ready & waiting in the garage. Lena quickly rushed out without a glance back.
Lena sped through the traffic & south of National City. Her heart was pounding against her chest. Hitting the highway at a 100 mph towards Lex's warehouse. She was trembling but she gripped the wheel tight. Flashes went across her mind, memories of her & Kara. Before she even realized she was pulling up to the warehouse. She put the car in park flung the her door open & took off towards the entrance of the building. She didn't care if she left the keys in the ignition or if someone would steal the car.. the faster she could get to her the better. 'Fuck it. I'll buy them a lot of new cars.' She reaches the entrance & stops.
'Kara's here, she's inside, I'm going to see her again.' She thought to herself as she stepped into the abandoned building.

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