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Lena's POV
Superman turns to the now standing Azmiel, shooting his heat vision from his eyes but to no avail. Azmiel who is now standing directly above Supergirl's grave says "I will end you." Fury riddled over Azmiel's face as clouds formed over the night sky, lightning shooting all around them.
Once again Superman charges at the man but this time he didn't reach him. With sparks coming out of his eyes, electricity surged throughout his body. An a enormous bolt of electricity strikes from the ground up. Blasting Superman into another building a few yards away. Azmiel stumbles he took a moment to balance himself, then striding over to Lena he picks up the Luthor from her throat.
Lena struggled to breathe. She closes her eyes. "This is it. Maybe I'll get to see her again." The Luthor thought.
Suddenly, a hard hand grabs Azmiel causing him to drop her. Another fist connects to his jaw, with such force it caused Azmiel to fly through 2 buildings away.
Lena falls to the ground. When she finally opens her eyes, there she is standing above her. Cape flowing gently in the wind a pair of deep blue eyes stare back down on her.
"Kara." Lena says barely a whisper. Shock, sadness & love riddle the Luthor's face.
Multiple vans pull up on the side of the side of the street. The first to step out was Alex.
"KARA!" Alex screamed running towards her sister but before she could reach the Super, Kara takes a step back.
There was no emotion on the Supers face besides confusion. Lena see's other agents start to run up to them with their weapons drawn & the Super takes a defensive stance with eyes lit like the yellow sun the team raise the weapons aiming at the Super.
"Stand down! Everyone stand down!" Yelled Alex.
Lena slowly stands & with her hands raised she carefully takes a few steps towards Supergirl "Kara love, it's ok. It's me Lena."
The Luthor places a gentle hand on the Supers chest. While still in a defensive stance the light in her eyes start to dim turning to dark blues once again. For a split second second she looks in the emerald green eyes that held so much love.
Lena could feel the air buzz around her . A zap of lightning burst right beside them & there stood Azmiel.
"Watch out Lena!" Alex pulls her retreating a few feet back.
Azmiel raises his hand but only small sparks are released from the tips of his fingers. He curses in to the wind. Supergirl grabs Azmiel by the arm but before she could strike he uppercuts her. The Super barely flinches. She gives a steady glare at him.
Azmiel try's to break free of her grasp but it's useless. With all her strength she lands a heavy blow to his chest with a crack louder than the lightning that struck the ground a few moments ago. He was hurdled with such force into the ground the earth beneath him was ripped up into a small crater with him unconscious in the center of it.
Lena still clinging onto Alex for dear life calls out "Kara".
The Super looks at her once more & then blast into the sky & out of sight. DEO agent's swarmed all around Azmiel placing him in meta dampening cuffs. Finally throwing him into the van. Lena can see towards her left a few agents trying to break Superman out of the rubble. Alex was frantically yelling orders into her comms right behind her.

Alex's POV
"Get him back to the DEO & throw his ass into containment stat. What's the update on Superman is he alive?" Alex released a breath she didn't know she was holding when they replied confirming they had a pulse on Superman. "Winn, Supergirl is back. I need you to find her now!"
"What?? Wait, what do you mean she's back? How? When?" Winn cried with his voice shaking not believing a single word that was being said to him.
"Winn please just scan the city for her." Alex begged as tears started to fall. Alex turns back to face Lena who was looking up at the sky searching for any sign.
Alex calls out her name but she doesn't turn.
"Lena" Alex grabs her hand & with that the Luthor winces out in pain as the adrenaline is now fading. "Lena you're hurt. Let's get you some help ok?" Alex said with concern in her voice.
Lena faces Alex with fear in her eyes, fearful that the agent will force her away "No I can't Alex. What if she comes back? I need to wait for her here." Alex could tell that the women in front of her was moments away from shattering. "Lena sweetie, where going to get you some help. We're already scanning the city for her. We'll know more back at the DEO. Come on let's go find her together." Alex gently places both hands on her shoulders guiding her towards her vehicle.

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