Lex's Warehouse

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Kara's POV
Supergirl woke in a dark confined space.. She felt around but could barely move her arm's& breathe. 'I need to get out of here. I have to get out now!'
She broke out of the ground and into the air. The first thing she saw was a man holding a woman by her throat. She speeds forward & grabs him as hard as she could. She doesn't know why she doing this but she feel the need too. She hit him hard with all her might. She sees him fly through a building, she looks down at the woman who is beside her feet. When she looks up at her and their eyes finally connect a sparks hits her. Her heart beats a little faster. Vans pull up.
'Another threat?' She see's another woman with red hair running up to her. "KARA"
'No, I know her..'
Supergirl see's a team with weapons drawn. She takes a stance ready for another fight. She could feel the heat behind her eyes.
'I need to protect them.'
"Stand down! Everyone stand down."
The woman beside me stands. "Kara love, It's ok. It's me Lena." The second this woman laid her hands on me I feel peace. I can feel my heart start to slow.
But then I feel it. The small hairs on the back of my neck start to rise. I see lightning near us.
"Watch out Lena!" The woman with red hair yelled. As the man near us raises his hand towards me. Small sparks fly out & he curses. As I grabbed him he uppercuts me but I could barely feel it. 'Enough of this.'
A rage filled Supergirl as she grabs him and strikes him down harder than before.
"Kara" Hearing her voice the rage starts too subside.  She looks at her once more & in a second later she blasts into the sky. She flies high above the clouds. The noises of the city below were becoming silent, she stayed hovering for a moment as she thought to herself.
'I know them. But from where? Why can't I remember??'
As the adrenaline began to fade, she feels her subconscious telling her to fly south. She flies off again. A sonic boom filled the sky as she hits the equator but she realized she went way too far. She headed slowly back to National City, trying to remember who she was & what had happened to her. Awhile later she feels the tug again. She stopped in front of a warehouse & goes in. She goes straight to the main room. The space was empty from what she could tell, she finds a light switch and flicks it on & in the center of the room she could see chains bolted to the floor with a stain in the middle of them. She didn't even realize she was walking towards them until she stood beside them. Her mind flashes.. a woman was running towards her, but she was blurred.

Lena's POV
Lena walks into the Lex's warehouse to see the super standing in the center of the room. From what she could tell Kara face held confusion with a hint of anger, her hand was bald into a fist.
Lena looked into the direction at what held the supers attention. She was staring at the ground that was stained with her dried blood. Just the sight of it made Lena's skin crawl.
"Kara?" Lena says trying to get the supers attention. When Kara look up to the Luthor, Lena gasped.
She took a breath of air she didn't know she was holding. Lena carefully walked over to her, gaze locked as if she was afraid to blink & the super would disappear.
"Kara do you know who I am?" Lena had a lump in her throat as she swallows she looked at the blood stains on the floor. 'She must be in shock. Or maybe she's so traumatized her mind is suppressing her memories...
How can I even tell her she left me & everyone she loves behind. People she doesn't even recognize.' Lena's mind starts to race, she looks up at the super & slowly takes a step closer expecting her to stiffen but she stands still. Lena gently places a hand on her arm
"I'll tell you everything. I promise.. let's go somewhere else ok?"
Kara nodded her head slightly. We walked back to the car and drove back to my apartment. She was about to head back to the DEO but decided against it since everyone was busy and didn't want to upset the super with all the commotion. When they finally made it up she's searches for her phone & orders in potstickers & pizza that was enough to feed an army. She thought to her self
'A promise is a promise.'
She turned to see Kara was standing in the middle of the room unsure of what to do.
"I have extra clothes for you, you can shower & stay here if you like?"
Kara takes an extra moment processing what the smaller woman had just offered to her. She just nods her head as a reply. Lena finally really looked at her, she was slightly stained with dirt, & her knuckles bruised from Azmiel.
She started to see the kryptonian shift her weight under Lena's stare. "I'll be right back." Lena whispered with a small smile. She turns to her room but before she completely entered she stops. "Don't leave me ok?" Kara stood frozen. Lena turns again to grab a hoodie and some shorts for her & placing them on the bed. She walks into the bathroom and runs the shower warm, she rushes back into the room that Kara was in. She stood there in the same spot with a confused look on her face.

Kara's POV
"Don't leave me ok?"
She saw the brunette rushing around in the room as she thought of what she just said 'Don't leave me ok? .. I know I've heard that from somewhere but from where??'
Flashes of a woman crying over her and a set of green eyes filled with tears. 'Did someone hurt me? & then nothing just black. I don't remember being afraid. It was almost as if I was asleep.'  Kara heard the water running when she looked up, Lena stood there in the doorway with a worried expression. "I left some clothes for you on the bed. My restrooms right through there." she pointed behind her with her thumb while she walked towards her. Kara closed the distance between them. Looking down at the Luthor she could hear the woman's heart racing. "Lena" she whispered "I don't remember. But I do know I'm safe with you. I won't leave again.. I promise." She looked into those green eyes & then walked away after Lena's heart to calm itself.

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