The Obelisk of Hope

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Almost a week later. The city was still in mourning. Their Super was gone. The light of the city was snuffed out.

In the heart of National city, Lena had bought a block of buildings that stood & had demolished them to make a clearing.
The grass was deep green and in the center of the block stood a silver obelisk reaching 700 feet high. In front of the obelisk was an empty grave facing the east. A deep blue coffin with a silver House of El sigil printed. It was placed above the grave, on the brackets waiting to be lowered.
Surrounding the outer ring of the coffin was Amaya, Mick, Jefferson, Ray, Nate, Cisco, Kate, Lyla, John, Sara, Felicity, Oliver, Iris & Barry.
In the inner ring stood Vasquez, Winn, James, Lucy, Cat Grant, Lois, Clark, Eliza, Alex & Finally Lena, who stood on the left closest to her heart.
Thousands of people were a few feet behind them all holding a single white candle. All being lit as the sun was starting to set.
On the silver obelisk in Kryptonian writing wrote the words of Rao.
Though we go forth alone, our soul unites us under Rao's gladsome rays. We're never lost, never afraid for we shrink not under the Sun of Righteousness.
Rao binds us to those we love. He gives us strength when we have none. And in the darkest places, he guides us. For Rao see's all, feels all. His love eternal. Rao protects us, so we might protect others. And we shall Rise, a fire in His heart, burning and free.
When Clark finished reciting the words of Rao. They laid the Super to rest. In the silent night, the city cried over The Obelisk of Hope.

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