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"Please don't take my sunshine away..."

My world was dark and cold. Nothing ever lead me down a good path. No matter what it was I did, I always felt like I was losing. I was struggling with what felt like this losing battle with myself. I was just dragging myself deeper and deeper into this pitch black tunnel with no way out. And as time passed it didn't seem as if I was getting any better, I didn't know what to do anymore. I couldn't find away out of this place I trapped myself in. I wanted to give up, it seemed like the only way out. That's what I thought at least until I finally found this source of light that fought off the darkness that was closing in on me. That light came in the form of someone I'd grow to love more than anything. They brightened up my life and gave me hope. They helped me out of the darkness I had trapped myself in. They might not realize this but they honestly saved me from myself. I'm so glad I didn't take the easy way out back then, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to meet them if I did. And I don't know what I'd do without them. They gave me overflowing amounts of love and care, more than i thought I deserved. I'm forever grateful and I could honestly never thank them enough for everything they did for me. They've become this very important person to me and honestly no one will ever compare to how much they mean to me. They became my light in the darkness and my warmth on the coldest of nights. Which is why they'll always be my sunshine, someone who has provided me with endless amounts of light and warmth. Someone who has never failed to be there for me when I needed them most. Someone who chases off the dark storm clouds on my not so good days. Someone who I love and cherish. I never want to lose them, if I did I feel like I'd lose part of myself. They've become this big part of my life and I hope they continue to be a part of my life. Even if we grow apart I know that I can still count on them and they can still count on me. I'll never abandon them just like they never abandoned me. So if you're reading this sunshine, thank you for restoring my happiness and for all the wonderful memories. Thank you for being a part of my life, I love you dearly. I hope I can be of the same help to you as you were for me so if you ever need anything I'm here. I always will be. Thank you for everything sunshine.

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