Cheater rantaro x reader

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I was almost yours to make it a Cheater Rantaro x reader x Shuichi put it ended up becoming just Rantaro

You know how they say 'seeing in believing'

Well that this current moment you didn't want to believe what you were seeing

Seeing your boyfriend grabbing your best friends hips and kissing her and dancing with her

Rantaro had you

Kaeda had Shuichi

Why weren't you two enough?

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" You heard Shuchi

Without saying a word you grabbed shuichi's rist and dragged him to where you saw Rantaro and kaeda

Shuichi tears fell to the ground, you let go of his rist only for him to grab your hand.

He picked up a cup of punch in a red cub and threw it at kaeda and Rantaro.

At first the couple shouted "what the hell" until they saw who threw it

They saw Shuichi was rage in his eyes while he was holding your hand and you looked to the side while using your other hand to hug your arm

Shuchi rubbed your back and let you go out of the gym (there was a party going on btw) only for Rantaro to follow you.

"Look sweetheart I can explain!"

(The big like that every cheater says)

"Explain what? Explain how you were kissing my friend thinking I would not realise you were cheating on me" You arguing back stopping at your tracks and turning to him

"Look it wasn't what it looked like I promise" he grabbed you elbows and pulled you close to him only for you to wiggle out of his grip and slap him.

Rantaro's eyes widened at first, he didn't know you were capable or slapping anybody. His eyes softened and looked at your eyes, that were filled with hatred.

"It really wasn't what it looked like...."


"Look I didn't realise what I was doing alright! I promise I was thinking about you the whole time, I didn't even realise what I was doing until I saw you with HIM" Rantaro argued back

"And that's supposed to change that you were all up on HER" you looked up at Rantaro

He put a hand on your cheek, you tried to bush his hand away but he just put his hand back so you gave up.

"Look I'm sorry, if you give me a second chance I'll do better! Remember, everyone deserves a second chance"

You did have you in a pickle there, I guess everyone DOES deserve a second chance and you weren't really fond of the 'heartbroken for weeks, partying the next' thing.

"Fine, but if this happens again I ain't going to run back to you" you looked to the side wondering if you should regret your choice

Rantaro smiled with joy and hugged you

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" he repeated 11037 times


You hesitantly hugged back

You both knew your relationship would take years to ever be the same, but that didn't mean Rantaro isn't going to take years working his ass of to rebuild the trust he broke in the matter of seconds

(Trust takes years to build yet seconds to break

Trust is like a piece of paper, once you crumble it up it will never be the same, you can take days, months even years but there will always be a crumble in the paper.


Out the corner of Rantaro's eye he could see Shuichi coming in to check on you, Rantaro scowled with jealously.

He held a tight grip on your cheek and pulled you close to him so you two were kissing

You hesitantly kissed back not knowing Shuichi was there.

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