When you have no inspiration or any energy to do a story but you have nothing to do in quarantine and I already said I would do the request.
I've had nothing This week but cherry cola and those drink yogurts.
Fuyuhiko's eyes were narrowed at Kazuichi
Through the whole time you 3 were talking
"Ummm..... I'mma just... go now..... BYE" Kazuichi ran off faster then sonics runs after seeing the fan art 12 year olds make of him.
"Fuyuhiko" he stopped narrowing his eyes at where Kazuichi ran and looked at you
(The saddest thing about this is Fuyuhiko is taller then me)
"Are you okay? If looks could kill Kazuichi would be impaled" you asked
He put his arms around you and rested his head on your chest
(Before you say anything, you don't need boobs to have a chest)
"Yeah I'm perfectly fine" he said through his teeth with clear rage in his voice.
"Are you jealous?" You asked.
He got his head of your chest and looked at you, he had blush on his face and he looked annoyed so your just gonna take that as a yes.
You kissed him "no need to be jealous" you laughed it off but he still looked annoyed.
He grabbed your hand and dragged you to his cottage only for him to pin you against the door after he closed it.
(Height doesn't matter. Say it with me, height doesn't change your domination level)
He took of your top (and/or your jacket or hoodie if you have one)
And went on his knees and kissed your stomach
He soon traveled down a took of your pants/skirt/shorts/whatever and got in between your legs
(If you have a vagina then you probably put your legs on his shoulders while your still pinned to the door)
You bit your lip in hope's to stay quiet but you still let out a few whimpers.
You leaned your head against the door as you felt yourself orgasm.
"Ehehe sorry" you awkwardly said when you looked down to see Fuyuhiko covered in cum
(It feels so gross to type cum for soma reason)
He licked it all off and said "it's fine"
He got up and started to take off his clothes right in front of you make you blush which made him smirk
(Readers: that makes no sense! Me: jokes on you horny readers *open fan* I can read the English. Reader: *strangles author-sama)
(Please tell me somebody knows that reference)He picked you up by the ass while you wrapped your legs around him and he entered you.
Timeskip brought to you by my trauma being higher then my depression rate
You finally came
(I say finally as if it took you 2 hours to have a orgasm cause of how bad he is 😂)
Of course he pulled out cause only a dumbass would get themselves pregnant during a killing game
(I'm looking at all of you)
He set you down onto your legs but you instantly fell.
"..... whoops"
He picked you up, dragged you to the bed and you both fell asleep

Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots
FanfictionWelcome to the one shot book of danganronpa where you will see me doing "Shut up dad I do what I want" ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ "WHAT YOU SAY?!?!?" "DADDY NO" (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') I need some mental help You can tell I have known danganronpa for ages because of my mental...