This needs to be said

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I feel like this isn't established in the danganronpa fandom and it NEEDS to be

You know the voice actor of Fuyuhiko and Kokichi, Derek Stephan Prince.

People give him credit and act like he is a great person for voicing those two yet he is a terrible person.

He is a pedophile, he is a terrible person. He has touched up younger woman, harassed them online and he one time told a teenage girl to kill herself because she called him out for being a 51 year old flirting with a 15 year old.

Sure he did voice Fuyuhiko and Kokichi well, but that's his job and doing a job doesn't make up for all the terrible things he is doing.

People from the danganronpa fandom congratulate him and look up to him all because he voiced 2 characters and he doesn't deserve it at all.

This chapter is in no way meant to ruin Fuyuhiko and Kokichi for you, you can enjoy the characters while hating the va.

When people call him out for his doings he threatens them hence the part of him telling a girl to kill herself.

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