If you don't know sleep paralysis is when your body wakes up before your brain does
Some people experience sleep paralysis often. Some not as often but everyone experiences it at least once in their lives. You will not be able to move and you can hardly breathe and you will start to hallucinate (seeing and hearing things that aren't really there)
Me personally I get sleep paralysis often, not every night but often. Idk why I just do
So I figured why not leave some tips cause not everyone knows this and sleep paralysis can really freak people out
Most of the time you hallucinate scary things like a thumb demon or a shadow looming over your bed
However your gonna want to stay calm. The reason why you hallucinate scary things is because you are scared. You need to remember that they are hallucinations.
Of course at first you will automatically panic cause you can't move or breath but you just need to try to calm down.
When you've calmed down you can use this as a good way to lucid dream. A way some people can lucid dream is going back to sleep after waking up, if you go back to sleep during sleep paralysis you might lucid dream.
Basically when you have calmed down you are in control of the whole situations. Some people can even hallucinate whatever they want (however I recommend you don't do that cause things can get out of hand)
Or you can try to get out of the paralysis state by trying to move around. My advice is trying to start wigging your fingers and toes to trying to making a fist. Basically just start slow.
I hope this helps for people with sleep paralysis 👍
Sleep paralysis is a sign that your stressed so if you are stressed and get sleep paralysis often then try to make some time for yourself where you can just relax, either by drawing or listening to music or playing a instrument, whatever helps your stress.
And remember sleep paralysis is normal 1 in 10 people have sleep paralysis regulary so don't be afraid to talk to someone about it
Also tip is to not close your eyes instant when you are still stressed. This will cause hallucinations in your mind and make things 10x worse. Try to calm down first and then close your eyes if you are planning to sleep
If you want to stop sleep paralysis I recommend
1. Make sure to sleep at least 6 hours at night and create a sleep habit.
2. If you have any mental problems then that can be the cause of it so try to improve your mental state
3. Create a day where you can just relax and not worry about anything. I recommend a Saturday, if your family is trying to get you to work then tell them you are feeling stressed.
4. Try not to sleep on your back. You'll find that most of the time when it comes to pictures or sleep paralysis the person is laying on their back. There is a reason for that so if you can try to sleep on your stomach or on your sides
5. Since sleep paralysis can be caused by stressed some say anti depressants can help. However since sleep paralysis isn't always cause of stress, anti depressants don't work on everyone and the chance of a overdose I recommend this being a last resort thing

Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots
FanfictionWelcome to the one shot book of danganronpa where you will see me doing "Shut up dad I do what I want" ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ "WHAT YOU SAY?!?!?" "DADDY NO" (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') I need some mental help You can tell I have known danganronpa for ages because of my mental...