Anime reaction
They opened their eyes to reveal they were tied to a chair by rope.
In front of them was a anime.... it was of their friends killing each other over and over again.
The otaku tried to look away but it was no use... they couldn't look away something was forcing them to keep watching.
They could slowly feel their sanity slip away.
They started to laugh and cry uncontrollably.
The ropes were undone and suddenly the otaku had a gun in their hand.
They knew what to do to escape this madness.
All the screen could see was blood all they could hear was a gun shot

Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots
FanfictionWelcome to the one shot book of danganronpa where you will see me doing "Shut up dad I do what I want" ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ "WHAT YOU SAY?!?!?" "DADDY NO" (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') I need some mental help You can tell I have known danganronpa for ages because of my mental...