This has been happening ever since I started writing books and being open to myself while writing my books and I'm honestly sick of it
Just because I'm a atheist doesn't mean I hate on people for their religion
I lack belief not respect
If your saying that all atheists are bad people than are you really any better then how you betray us to be?
Sure there is some mean atheist out there but there are also mean Christians, mean Jewish, Etc, but that's doesn't all Christian, Jewish, etc are mean, it's not any different for atheists.
Just because I'm asexual doesn't mean I'm a 'special snowflake' or I hate on people for having sex.
I'm asexual because of trauma I had in the past (please don't ask), I honestly don't care about people's sex life. Also, I'm no 'special snowflake' I've just been through trauma and react the same way anyone else that has been through trauma.
Just because I make lemon fan fics doesn't mean I'm faking a my asexuality.
Yes I'm asexual but that doesn't automatically mean I can't talk or write about sex. I write them because it's what people request and I see no reason to say no, I honestly just don't care.
Just because I'm panromantic doesn't automatically mean I'm a whore that has a crush on everyone
I have this thing called standards.
Being suicidal doesn't make people selfish
I have seen someone who reads my stories (I'm not gonna name anyone) that says killing your self is being selfish.
They are suicidal for a reason. They are not selfish for wanting to end their own suffering after years and years.
I'm not a bad person for not shipping the same thing other people so
I have mentioned this, I don't ship Hajime and Nagito
And that triggered a lot of people.
Just because I don't ship them doesn't make me homophobic (it's kinda impossible for me to be cause I'm panromantic)
I just don't see anything in them being a couple, I don't care about what others ship, I don't hate on people for shipping (as long as it's not illegal).
I also don't ship Shuichi and Ouma. I also don't see anything in them being a couple.
I don't really understand why people ship them but I honestly don't care if people do and I don't care for people's reasoning for shipping them.
Just because I'm 15 it doesn't make me a Clique mean girl.
Yes I admit sometimes I react on impulse and do some things I regret.
But just because I'm a teenager doesn't give people a excuse to call me a bitch for walking on this Earth more then 13 years.
People should not get hatred on for their opinion.
The only reason to can hate on someone for their opinion is if they are being disrespectful all because they have that opinion.
If someone says "sorry I don't really support gay people much, but I would never hate on people for it" in my opinion that's fine because they apologised (they shouldn't have to but they were being kind) and they said that they would never hate on someone for being gay
However if someone went like "Fuck off your fag it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve 🤡" that is when you can be disrespectful back to them, they were disrespectful first.
People other then African Americans should not say the n word.
There is a deep history behind the n word and I know many people from this book that say the n word when they are white.
It's not right to do that vinegar trick on a white person to make them say it, it's not right for any race other then African Americans to say it.
I don't take any sort of discrimination on this book.
People have discriminated others only this book and on my others books and when I hear about it, I will instantly warn them and then delete the comment.
The way I run this is if they do it once then I will just simply warn them and then delete their comment
Everyone makes mistakes so I'm gonna give them a second chance.
However if they do it again then I'm gonna instantly mute them so they can't comment on my books.
Now I've had a few incidents where after I mute them they go into a rage and message me.
This can go two ways, they apologise and I only mute them for the week or they be rude and I block them, there is no excuse.
If after the week of muting them and they carry on discriminating (yes this has happened before) I will instantly block them, I take no excuses.
If you start a fight with me in the comments.
I honestly won't care.
As long as your not discriminating others.
If it's just me personally then it's fine for example "you make a lot of mistakes in your books, you suck" I honestly won't care
if you insult others like
"Your readers are dumb 6 year olds" I will do a warning.
This will go the same if you discriminate me as well as others for example "you and your readers suck" I will give them a warning.
Now that we have established this, I hope you understand my actions towards things and how I run thing here if any discrimination happens

Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots
FanfictionWelcome to the one shot book of danganronpa where you will see me doing "Shut up dad I do what I want" ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ "WHAT YOU SAY?!?!?" "DADDY NO" (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') I need some mental help You can tell I have known danganronpa for ages because of my mental...